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This paper first study the possible erodent effect and contamination effect during probe works in rf glow discharge SiCl_/H_ plasma.

This paper discusses the C ,α regularity of the local W minima of the regular function: F(u,Ω)= ∫ Ωf(x,u,Du)dx, and obtains the exponent estimate of the α on the Hlder continuity of the local W minima u . 本文讨论了一般的正则泛函:F(u;Ω)=∫Ωf(x,u,Du)dx的局部W-极小的C,α正则性.获得了处理W-极小u的Holder连续的指数估计.
This paper discusses the Jaguar component technology used in the system by telling a brief knowledge of Jaguar and showing an example of data browse module. 论文中探讨了系统开发过程中所采用的Jaguar组件技术,对Jaguar组件技术作了简单介绍并以数据浏览模块为例详细讨论了Jaguar组件技术在系统中的应用。
This paper elaborates how to make a electron ferule with Visual Basic from such aspects as how to catch screen pictures, draw a sketch, sketch heavy draw, and display sketches, so as further to improve teaching efficiency. 从抓屏、绘制图形、图形重绘、显示图形等几方面阐述了如何使用Visual Basic编程技术实现简单电子教鞭的功能,从而有助于进一步提高教学效率。
This paper expounds some problems which should be taken into consideration when the ganged fire control system in high-rise building is designed. 阐述了高层建筑消防联动控制系统设计时应着重考虑的几个问题。
This paper expounds the necessity of bulding gallop bridge of national road 07 leaping over Jinshui Road and ZhengBian Road and main thinking and main points of the scheme design of this tuo gallop bridge. 该文主要阐述了 0 7国道跨金水路、郑汴路立交桥修建的必要性以及这两座立交方案设计的主要思路及要领。
This paper first study the possible erodent effect and contamination effect during probe works in rf glow discharge SiCl_/H_ plasma. 本论文首先研究了探针在SiCl_/H_等离了体中工作时可能存在的腐蚀问题和“中毒效应”问题。
This paper fully describes the filling process and introduces the structure,perfor-mances and operation principle of ModeI PC- thrower. 本文全面地介绍了碎石混凝土抛掷充填工艺,并阐述了PC-型抛掷机的结构、性能和工作原理。
This paper generally analyzes the existing job and resource management systems (LSF,CONDOR) and puts forward a new application-oriented job and resource management system model: ARMS. 本文在综合分析了现有作业资源管理系统的基础上,提出了一种新的面向应用程序的作业资源管理系统模型ARMS。
This paper gives out a thorough description on imrproving schemes and realizing measures for LW7 Series SF_ Circuit Breaker pneumatic drive cubicle. 对LW7系列SF_断路器气动柜改进方案及实施措施作了详尽阐述。
This paper gives the boundness of Hilbert transform in Banach valued Hardy spaces H B(R). 本文给出了Hilbert变换在Banach空间值Hardy空间HB(R)上的有界性.
This paper gives the observation data of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn with a Dan-Jon Astrolabe (OPL No ) at Shanghai Observatory during 9-978. 本文给出上海天文台丹容等高仪(OPL №)9—978年期间的火星、木星和土星的观测资料。

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