The “appointment-subsidy” mode and “appointment +self-government” mode are basically the extension of administrative management in which the government basically specifies the candidates, pays the expenses and assigns the tasks.
“委派-补助”式和“委派+自治”式基本是由政府指定人选,支付经费,下达任务的行政管理的延伸。 |
The “appointment-subsidy” mode is autonomous organization in name, but is quasi-administrative management in essence, while the “appointment +self-management” community workstation mode is the veritable administrative management.
其中“委派-补助”式名为自治组织而本质上是准行政管理;而“委派+自治”的社区工作站模式则是名符其实的行政管理。 |
The “ask-a-chick” website lists some surefire rules to meet and keep Mr. Right.
“女孩咨询”网站列出了找寻和搞定理想男友的一些必胜法则。 |
The “cognitive triadconsists of negative views about the self (worthlessness), about the circumstances (helplessness), and about the future (hopelessness).
「认知三联症」包括对自己的看法「无价值感」,对环境「无助感」;以及对将来「无望感」。 |
The “cold palace” is where disfavored queen or concubine was emplaced. So this expression means you are put on the back shelf.
冷宫是指安放失宠的皇妃或皇后的地方。被打入了冷宫,自然就是遭冷遇了。 |
The “color” of a colored point, as red, green, yellow, violet.
彩色点的彩色,如红、绿、黄、紫色等。 |
The “complex” was ready for occupancy in 1927, but additions continued until 1947.
那座“综合性建筑”在1927年就已经可以使用,但扩建工程一直持续到1947年。 |
The “consistent attitude toward life” may not, as Byron scholar Jerome J.
最终,这种流动与结合的方式,比起较为固定的观点来,也许更能反映人性与自然的真相。 |
The “consumption tax rate” refers to the actual sales price or the deemed sales price for tax purposes for cigarette manufacturing enterprises.
公式中的“消费税比例税率”,是指卷烟生产企业销售卷烟的实际价格或核定的计税价格所适用的比例税率。 |
The “correctness” of his life program is thus legitimated on the highest level of generality.
每个人生命计画的“正确性”是在普遍性的更高层次上被正当化。 |
The “creation and innovation” training mode breaks through former closed education mode by creating a positive, open and lively circumstances to students.
“主体创新奖”人才培养模式,突破原有学科的封闭状态,把学生置于一种动态,开放、生动、多元的学习环境中。 |