Recreational coupon only be allowed using in recreation ground. following course do not discount rates (golf course , hot spring bath , foot care and supermarket.
仅限娱乐场所使用(高尔夫项目、温泉保健、足浴和超市可以用娱乐礼券但不享受折扣优惠)。 |
Recreational ice skating is a popular activity that can provide an enjoyable cardiovascular workout and an ideal social opportunity.
溜冰是一项让身心愉悦的大众活动,也是一个理想的社交机会。 |
Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy.
休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。 |
Recreations for residents are very similar for both nursing homes, but nursing home residents in the U.S. have more space for activities than nursing home residents in Taiwan.
而且;两个文化的健康照护者都尽量尊重居民的隐私权及提供居民一些自主权,但是美国护理之家居民比台湾护理之家居民有较多自主权。 |
Recruit trainee, guarantee the noncongestion of all kinds of recruitment.
招聘实习人员,保证各类用工渠道的畅通。 |
Recruit: Those who graduate from junior middle schools allover China.
招生对象:面向全国招收初中毕业生。 |
Recruited Jhora from starting town.
从城内招募出霍拉。 |
Recruiting Donkey and Puss in Boots for a new quest, Shrek sets out to bring back the rightful heir to the throne, Fiona's cousin Artie.
史莱克向驴和长靴猫寻求帮助,开始了新的寻觅之旅,他们出发去带回合法的王位继承人——菲奥娜公主叛逆的表哥阿蒂。 |
Recruiting cycles often start in fall.
聘人的周期通常在秋天就开始了. |
Recruiting providers are slowly organizing and making themselves indispensable.
承包招聘方逐渐形成组织,使他们的角色不可或缺。 |
Recruiting sufficient defenders will be beneficial to a successful defense.
招募充足的防御者会有助于防御的成功。 |