Anyone who has watched a Jobs keynote will tell you he is one of the most extraordinary speakers in Corporate America.
任何观看过乔布斯演讲的人都会认同,他是美国最为杰出的公司演讲者之一。 |
Anyone who has watched the start of the John Bear grease Sled Dog Marathon has witnessed the drive of a husky, a four-legged Ferrari that snaps into warp speed at the rustle of a harness.
任何人只要看过“约瀚*贝尔格利斯狗拉雪橇马拉松比赛”的起跑,都目睹了哈士奇犬的干劲,它们一听到鞍具的沙沙声,就会像一辆四条腿的法拉利跑车瞬间以高速急弛而出。 |
Anyone who has work here for over three years is eligible for sick pay.
凡在这儿工作了三年以上的人都有资格获得病假工资。 |
Anyone who has worked here for over three years is eligible for sick pay.
凡在这儿工作了三年以上的人都有资格获得病假工资。 |
Anyone who has, for instance, worked with choirs knows how a choir will get a mental stagger at a bar or two of music, not because it is really difficult but because they made themselves think that it is difficult.
比如,参加过唱诗班的人知道,唱诗班一两个小节精神错乱不是因为乐曲确实难而是因为他们自己认为难。 |
Anyone who holds it can obtain the payment on demand.
任何人持有来人支票可获得银行即期付款。 |
Anyone who intends to domesticate and breed wildlife under special state protection shall obtain a license.
驯养繁殖国家重点保护野生动物的,应当持有许可证。 |
Anyone who intimidates, humiliates, beats or retaliates against a witness or his near relatives, if his act constitutes a crime, shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; if the case is not serious enough for criminal punishment,
对证人及其近亲属进行威胁、侮辱,殴打或者打击报复,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不够刑事处罚的,依法给予治安管理处罚。” |
Anyone who is a clansman of Sam Kiang, between the ages of over 21 and under 60 and who is healthy can apply for ordinary membership, irrespective of sex.
凡属三江同乡,不分性别,其年龄在廿一岁以上,六十岁以下,身体健康者,可申请为普通部员。 |
Anyone who is a clansman of Sam Kiang, who is over 60 years old and who is healthy can apply for Special Membership irrespective of sex.
凡属三江同乡,不分性别,其年龄在六十岁以上,身体健康者,可申请为特别部员。 |
Anyone who is already doing an adequate job should surely be allowed just one target: to keep on keeping on.
对任何人而言,如果他已经胜任工作,那么无疑只应允许他有一个目标:坚持,再坚持。 |