The ass bypassed the guard and assassinated the surpassing ambassador in the embassy.
驴为警卫设旁路并且在大使馆暗杀胜过的大使。 |
The ass that brays most eats least.
交的最响的驴吃的最少。 |
The ass wags his ears.
自鸣得意。 |
The assailants take advantage of weaknesses or “back doors” in computer software to destroy data, or inundate a mail server until it “cracks” under the heavy load…resulting in a disruption of Internet services.
他们会选择一些脆弱及防护不佳的目标,以极快的速度,将重复的垃圾资料大量传送到被害者的电脑里,使其负荷过量而瘫痪。 |
The assassin belonged to the local Nagasaki branch of Japan's largest crime syndicate.
刺杀由日本最大的犯罪团伙组织长崎分支机构策划实施。 |
The assassin killed the famous person for political reasons.
刺客因某种政治原因杀了那个知名人士。 |
The assassin was chosen by ballot.
暗杀者由候选人名单选出。 |
The assassination of the ambassador precipitated the country into war.
由於大使遇刺, 该国顿时进入了战争状态. |
The assassination of the ambassador precipitated the country into war.
由于大使遇刺,该国顿时进入了战争状态. |
The assassination was successful.
暗杀成功了。 |
The assaulted animal just stands there. “I think the bigger one is challenged by this pipsqueak he's ignoring,” remarks guide Van Der Walt.
只见小长颈鹿弯下长长的脖子,把头甩向大长颈鹿的身躯,而受攻击的那只文风不动,导游说:「看来这只大长颈鹿正接受小长颈鹿的挑战。」 |