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Save me, for I am yours; I have sought out your precepts.

Save me from all my transgressions; do not make me the scorn of fools. 诗39:8求你救我脱离一切的过犯。不要使我受愚顽人的羞辱。
Save me from the dying embers hidden under ashes. 把我从潜藏在灰中的余烬里救出来吧。
Save me from the lion's mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the unicorns. 诗22:21救我脱离狮子的口.你已经应允我、使我脱离野牛的角。
Save me from the lion's mouth; From the horns of the wild oxen You answer me. 诗22:21救我脱离狮子的口.你已经应允我、使我脱离野牛的角。
Save me, O LORD, from lying lips and from deceitful tongues. 2耶和华阿,求你救我脱离说谎的嘴唇,和诡诈的舌头。
Save me, for I am yours; I have sought out your precepts. 94我是属你的、求你救我.因我寻求了你的训词。
Save money against a rainy day. 平时存钱,防备雨天。
Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. 25耶和华阿,求你拯救。耶和华阿,求你使我们亨通。
Save often, I know.. this one's repeated all too often, but we all have a time where we REALLY wish we'd saved. 常常需要存档和读档,我知道..这需要反复多次,但我们每个人都有时间,如果我们真的想,我们想存档或读档.
Save one meal once a week and give it to a beggar. When you hand out the meal, you hand out a love heart. 一周省下一顿饭,把你原本打算要吃的东西送给一个乞丐,施舍饭菜的同时施舍一颗爱心。
Save one tenth of your income for the investment of future nice life. 把你所挣工资的十分之一存起来,为将来的美好生活投资。

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