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A few days ago I reminded the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See that hatred can only be overcome through love.

A few days after his advertisement appears,the mail order writer knows whether it is profitable or not. 只要在广告刊登后的几天内,邮购撰文者便可知道这则广告是否具有销售力。
A few days after publication, he told the class, several polling experts came forward to challenge the survey. 报导刊出几天后,他告诉班上,几位民调专家出面质疑这项调查的可靠性。
A few days after the Rough Riders' charge up San Juan Hill, the Spanish fleet fled Cuba. 就在莽骑兵的圣胡安山行动的几天后,西班牙舰队逃到古巴。
A few days afterwards a heavy wagon pass through the gully. 几天後一辆大篷车经过了这个小峡谷。
A few days afterwards a heavy wagon pass through the gully. 几天后一辆大篷车经过了这个小峡谷。
A few days ago I reminded the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See that hatred can only be overcome through love. 记得几天以前我向驻圣座外交使节们说过:仇恨只能用爱来克胜。
A few days ago Russia's naval commander proposed “to restore its permanent presence” in the Mediterranean, using the Baltic and Black Sea fleets. 几天前,俄罗斯海军司令提议用波罗的海舰队和黑海舰队的部分船只“恢复俄罗斯海军在地中海的长期存在”。
A few days ago, Dreamboat representatives Liu HongYin and Yao GuoZhi, along with some cameramen, came out to our location to send their certificate of intent and a donation from the celebrities of the club. 为此,在前几天梦舟明星俱乐部的刘宏胤,还有他们的姚经理,带着几位传媒的记者,专程来到我们拍戏的住地,送来梦舟明星俱乐部加入壹基金计划的回执和一些队员捐赠的善款。
A few days ago, I faced a problem regarding a minimize button for a window with the style WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW. 几年前,我需要为具有WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW风格的窗口提供一个最小化按钮。
A few days ago, I hiked to the very top of Table Mountain. 几天前,我徒步攀上了桌山的顶峰。
A few days ago, I was watching Saviola and I saw myself reflected in him at 18 arriving at the National Team. 几天前,我在看萨维奥拉的比赛,在他身上我似乎看到了18岁刚进国家队的自己。

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