The rooms must be cleaned today.
这些房间今天必须要打扫干净。 |
The rooms on the third floor had no pillars, as the courts had; so they were smaller in floor space than those on the lower and middle floors.
6圣屋有三层、却无柱子、不像外院的屋子有柱子.所以上层比中下两层更窄。 |
The rooms should be set up in test center's classrooms equipped with standard phonetics facilities.
考场设在各考点有标准语音设备的教室。 |
The rooms were hung with tapestries.
这些房间都装饰著挂毯。 |
The rooms, hidden for 60 years, are to be renovated in a .7 million project and will open in 2003, joining parts of the labyrinthine Cabinet War Rooms, which have been open since 1984.
这些掩体已经在地下隐藏了60年,现在英国政府准备耗资1700万美元对其进行修复,然后作为1984年对外开放的伦敦战时密室地下迷宫的一部分,于2003年对公众开放。 |
The rooster bristled his crest.
公鸡竖起了鸡冠。 |
The rooster said Am I stupid ? If I come down, she will because a widow.
公鸡说我傻啊?我下来了,她不成寡妇啦. |
The root and the guarantee of faith.
信仰的根基、信仰的保证。 |
The root cause for the inefficiency of state-owned enterprises is not the absence of real owners but the truncated property rights, namely the asymmetric relationship between the right to benefit from and the right to control.
摘要国企低效率的根本原因与其说是所有者缺位,不如说是国有产权残缺,也就是国有财产的收益权与控制权严重地不对称甚或分离。 |
The root cause for this is quite simple.
这事的根本因由很简单。 |
The root cause of this is that before the constantly changing analog signals from thermocouples or resistance thermometers can be processed digitally, an analog-to-digital conversion process is necessary, often resulting in loss of overall accuracy and me
它的起因是可能经常从热电偶或抵抗温度计改变的模拟信号,而需要处理数字信号,一个数模转换过程是必要的,经常造成全面准确性和测量时间延误的损失。 |