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This product adopts high molecular weight ethylene copolymer resin and goes through advanced technological flow for manufacture .

This produces the cross hatching effect of thick grid lines where the surface would otherwise shade darkly, and thin grid lines where the surface would shade brightly. 这产生了粗格线的交叉阴影效果,除非表面是被着成暗色的,在明亮的被着色表面上显示为细的格线。
This produces the effect of a bright highlight on the edge of a surface that faces away from lights in the scene, while edges that face lights directly have their highlights obfuscated. 这产生了一个在表面的边缘上一个高亮的效果,当在场景里远离灯光的面上,当边缘面对灯光时有它自己的模糊的高光。
This product accelerates epidermal skin replacement cell regeneration and result of decreasing in skin aging. 同时,具促进皮肤内部保湿,并能滋润皮肤表面及具有增加皮肤细胞氧气吸收量的功效。
This product adduction ancientry palace faoster face secret,combine modem times herbalist doctor exoterica,s wel s manifold herbal medicine extractio distillate make with extra care.Speedy comfort balance skin PH,shrink pore,vailability intercede skin eng 独特的抗汗防水配方,不油腻,四季都可以用,感触清爽,有淡化泛黄晦暗和色泽不均匀的肤色,抑制黑色素的生成,防止因日晒引起的色斑、雀斑,自然吸收不残留,使肌肤保持滋润光泽,有弹性,感觉滑爽自在,为肌肤增添透明感,使上妆更贴切、更持久。
This product adopting automatic protection air lock and the advanced Yseries component and stainless steel for with hiht accuracy grinding with hollow floating,having energy conservation efficiently,durable service ascendant function. 本产品采用自动防气锁装置的先进Y系列元件和高精度研磨的不锈钢空心浮球制造,具有高效节能,经久耐用的优越性能。
This product adopts high molecular weight ethylene copolymer resin and goes through advanced technological flow for manufacture . 本产品采用高分子量的乙烯共聚树脂,经过先进的工艺流程制成。
This product adopts the updated chemical waterproof technology and excellent imported materials; the super polishing wax and special resin with special formula can form a specially hard protective film on car body to prevent scratch, aging, UV and acid ra 本品采用最新先进化工防水技术及进口优质材料,内含高级上光蜡及特别配方特种树脂,能在车体上形成坚固的特殊保护膜,防止漆面划伤及老化,防紫外线及酸雨的侵蚀,不沾水,上光好,长效持久。
This product appearance elegant,comfortable with health functions.Bamboo Charcoal with super adsorption,the far-infrared and negative ion can promote blood circulation,purify air,alleviate and eliminate fatigue. 本产品外观高雅大方,具有舒适保健功能。竹炭具有超强的吸附性,其产生的远红外线与负离子能促进血液循环、净化空气,舒缓并消除疲劳。
This product appearance has brought good news to improvement of the masses of user's working environment, it can save 80% of the solvents and printing ink of 40% every year. 该产品问世给广大用户工作环境的改善带来了喜讯,它能为用户每年节省40%的油墨80%溶剂,在实际使用中,大大地减少了油墨溶剂气味,采用油盅代替墨盘,环保卫生,可以半个工作日不用加稀释剂,并可提高生产效率。
This product applies to the flat glass-grinding straight-edge, coarse grinding, finishing grinding, polishing once completed, Tracked drive inverter used to control motor speed, smooth and reliable, cement blocks sliding box when sliding double-linear bal 本产品适用于磨削平板玻璃的双直线平边,粗磨、精磨、抛光一次完成,履带驱动采用变频电机调速控制,平稳可靠,磨头座滑动箱体滑动时采用双直线滚珠导轨,双滚珠丝杆传动,移动速度稳定、精确。
This product basis physics, bionics and the resistance induction of human body survey theory, and combination plenty of clinical practices develop development, it is attacked that this product not only has to bang , needle Jiu , massage , fiery jar , scra 该产品根据物理学、仿生学、人体电阻感应探测理论、生物电学、中医针灸学、磁疗共振学、中国古典医学及现代微电子技术,并结合大量临床实践而研制开发的,该产品不但具有捶击、针灸、推拿、火罐、刮痧、按摩等六大中医功能模式和降压、颈肩、腰腿美体等综合处方模式,而更独有穴位查找、电灸疗法等功能。

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