In the Name of Jesus, Jesus, We have the victory. |
中文意思: 靠主耶稣全能圣名,我们必能得胜。 |
In the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Zaiyu initiated the twelve-tone temperament which later became the universal standard tones.
明代朱载首创十二平均律,后来被认定为世界通行的标准音调。 |
In the Minnesota north woods, it's easy to fall in love with sled dogs.
在明尼苏达北部森林里很容易爱上雪橇狗。 |
In the Mitnick affair a hacker infiltrated into many departments' networks, which threatened the security of the country.
在米尼克事件中,一个骇客潜入许多部门的电脑网路,这对国家的安全构成了威胁。 |
In the Mommy Brain, American writer Katherine Ellison argues that motherhood can give a woman unexpected mental advantages.
据英国“天空新闻网”4月19日报道,美国作家凯瑟琳·艾里森女士认为,怀孕会带给女人意想不到的智力飞跃。 |
In the NOD32 manual scanner, press Setting tab. You could config the action taken for different object.
在NOD32手动扫描器中,按「动作」页面。阁下便可以对应不同的物件进行设定。 |
In the Name of Jesus, Jesus, We have the victory.
靠主耶稣全能圣名,我们必能得胜。 |
In the Netherlands,
在荷兰, |
In the Netherlands, people told children the gifts came from Saint Herr Nicholas.
在荷兰,人们告诉孩子,礼物是圣赫尼古拉斯赠送的。 |
In the Netherlands,tulips are transported by air every day to many place in the world.
在荷兰,每天都有郁金香空运到世界各地。 |
In the New Century, we shall take a new road for the industrialization in our textile industry t hat will be featured with high-tech., better economic returns, low consumption of resources , less contamination of environment , a full use of advantages in
中国纺织工业在新世纪“要走出一条科技含量高、经济效益好、资源消耗低、环境污染少、人力资源优势得到充分发挥的新型工业化道路。” |
In the New Testament Babylon is used to typify that apostate Christian religious system which rules the earth today but which will be destroyed at the return of Christ (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:2,10,21).
在新约中,巴比伦是那些现今统领世人的异教的基督徒的象征,而这必将在耶稣基督重临时被除灭(启示寻14:8;17:5;18:2,10,21)。 |