Not only Scandinavian but English rulers have often discovered this fact to their cost.
斯堪的纳维亚和英国的统治者都是在付出巨大代价后才发现这一事实的。 |
Not only a haven for aquatic wildlife, the nourishing springs attract families year after year for tubing, swimming, and diving in its clean and clear waters.
富有营养的佛州清泉不只是水栖动物的天堂,每年同样吸引很多家庭来它清澈干净的水域洗浴、游泳、潜水。 |
Not only a trade channel, silk fair is also a policy window, information center, high tech pusher and mode show.
这里不仅有畅通的交易渠道,更是发布产业政策、交流行业信息、推介先进技术、展示流行趋势的平台。 |
Not only air, but natural gas consists of some substances .
199不但是空气,而且天然气也是由若干种物质组成的。 |
Not only applicable to all vehicle body, but also it can be used for the decontamination and polishing of other metal products.
不仅适用于各种汽车车身,而且可用于其他各种金属制品的去污和抛光。 |
Not only are Martian volcanoes huge, they are surprisingly complex.
火星上的火山不仅巨大,而且出奇复杂。 |
Not only are Mr Sarkozy's numbers edging down; but also Ms Royal's seem to be reviving.
不仅萨尔科奇的票数渐进佳境,罗亚尔女士似乎也逐渐找回状态。 |
Not only are more people working, but the work week has crept up, and hourly earnings are trending higher.
这不仅仅意味着更多就业机会,同时也意味着(工作时间)的提高及每小时薪资的增加。 |
Not only are our sins forgiven but we live in hope of reigning as kings and priests on earth with him when he returns.
不但我们的罪得到了赦免,而且我们还生活在盼望中,盼望我们在耶稣复临的时候能够和他一同做王做祭司,在地上执掌王权。 |
Not only are some health fears misguided but coffee can actually reduce the chances of developing illnesses such as Parkinson's disease or diabetes.
咖啡非但部分健康疑虑是出于误导,实际上还能降低罹患某些慢性病的机率,如帕金森氏症或糖尿病。 |
Not only are the Red Wizards involved in it, but Mur Vhol himself is as well.
因为不仅仅有红法师参与了,包括莫?哈尔。 |