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As long as you work hard and learn modestly from others, the pressure of taking up the new post will wear off.

As long as you keep working hard all your life ,you will recall your past with a glow of satisfaction. 只要你一辈子不停的工作,你在回忆往事时就会感到心满意足的。
As long as you stick with this plan, you will never fail. 只要你坚持这个计划一直做下去,你永远都不会失败。
As long as you take time out for love you will get lucky. 摩羯座:只要你为了爱情暂停工作就会获得好运。
As long as you try, any difficulty can be got rid of successfully. 只要你努力,任何困难都可以胜利解决.
As long as you use the magic lamp correctly, it may buildup your house, office, or store's cashbox and even it can let you make a pile! 正确地使用两仪元辰灯,选择适当的财位摆放,就可在无形中聚集家中、办公室或商家的财运,使你日进斗金,财运广通。
As long as you work hard and learn modestly from others, the pressure of taking up the new post will wear off. 8只要你努力工作,虚心向别人学习,新上任的压力会逐步消除的。
As long as you've got a cockroach face,there's no way I'd like you. 你只要长着一张蟑螂脸,就不可能让我喜欢你。
As long as you've paid in advance we won't charge you for delivery. 只要你预先付款,我们就不收你送货费。
As long as you’re happy. 你爽就好!
As lubricated with outside clean water, bearings are of long life. 导轴承由外接清洁水润滑,使用寿命长。
As luck would have it, I already have plans for tonight. 很不幸,我今晚已有所计划了.

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