She became the Duchess of Kent when she was twenty.
在她二十岁的时候,她成为了肯特公爵夫人。 |
She became the best sewer in the factory.
她成了该厂最好的缝纫工。 |
She became thin with grief.
她因悲伤而变瘦了。 |
She became wild and unruly .
她变得狂野不驯。 |
She beckoned me to follow her.
她招手要我跟过去。 |
She becomes Australia's first European princess in a reigning monarchy.
她是第一位成为欧洲君主制国家王妃的澳大利亚人。 |
She becomes increasingly certain that her husband's (Sam Neill) beaut http://bbs.qqlove.com iful co-worker, Mara (Emily Blunt), wants her children, her husband and her life.
她越来越肯定丈夫的漂亮同事玛拉想要她的孩子,她的丈夫和她的生活。 |
She began as a court secretary but quickly qualified as a judge and, later, as a presiding judge.
她开始是个法庭书记员,但很快就成为合格的法官,后来,又作了主审法官。 |
She began to believe that maybe she had a future after all and maybe it could be with this man, with his kind 11)hazel eyes, wet with their shared tears.
她开始相信自己还是有未来的,也许是和眼前这个男人、也许是和他这双温柔的淡褐色眼睛——里面噙着他们共同的泪花。 |
She began to cry when she spoke of the huge responsibility of being the sole caretaker of her family.
当谈及她要承担起整个家庭的巨大责任时,她哭了。 |
She began to cry when the black tidings reached her.
当不幸的消息传来时,她开始放声大哭。 |