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His purpose was unknown tome.

His pulse was at as high as a hundred. 他的脉搏(每分钟)一百次。
His pulse was unsteady. 他的脉搏不规则。
His punctuation is old-fashioned. 他的标点方式是老式的。
His punishment was very severe. 他的惩罚非常严厉。
His punishment will be a deterrent to others. 惩罚他以儆效尤.
His purpose was unknown tome. 他的目的对我而言是不明的。
His qualities mark him out as a born leader. 他的特质显示出他是一位天生的领导者。
His quest for answers gave us many important discoveries. 他对科学的追求和探索的答案,给我们留下了很多重要的发现。
His quest, a burlesque of the time-honored rituals of medieval romance, finds him evading the seductive charms of the widow Priscilla, and rescuing the reluctant virgin from a Sultan's harem. 在他的寻找中(对中世纪传奇小说的必有情节的滑稽模仿),他躲开寡妇普蕾斯茜尔拉的勾引,从苏丹的后宫里救出那个不情愿的处女。
His questions are shared by thousands of young men each year who suffer paralyzing spinal injuries. 每年有上千的年轻男性遭遇他同样问题,他们遭遇了瘫痪性的脊椎损伤。
His quick recovery is ascribable to his sound constitution. 他的迅速康复是由于他的健全的体质。

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