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Conclusion Immunity system of the premature infants is not perfect and the low function of cellular immunity and humoral immunity could lead to various infections,which provides a theoretical basis for the application of opsonin.
论 :早产儿免疫系统发育不成熟 ,存在细胞免疫和体液免疫功能低下 ,容易引起各种感染 ,应引起足够重视并及早进行干预 ,预防感染发生 ,这也为及早应用免疫调节剂提供了理论依据

Conclusion Dapsone is effective for preventing leprosy. 论DDS预防麻风显示有效,且具有近、中期的预防效果。
Conclusion Fluoxetine combined with small-dose olanzapine can improve the efficacy compared with fluoxetine in treating depression, and improve sleep orexis and the feeling of body discomfort without distinct effect on relapse. 论氟西汀合并小剂量奥氮平治疗抑郁症起效快,可提高疗效,并能迅速改善睡眠障碍和焦虑/躯体化症状,对复发率无明显影响。
Conclusion G/T(- 7) in STK promoter region is a new SNP. The genotype of this new SNP may relate to the risk of developing Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS) deserve further research. 论:STK基因(-7)G/T是个新的SNP,该SNP基因型与PJS发生的关系有待进一步研究。
Conclusion Glutamine is an effective drug for the treatment of radiation mucositis, and can allevitate mucosin's with radiotherapy and chemotherapy. 论 谷氨酰胺对放射治疗引起的口腔黏膜反应有预防和治疗作用,并能减轻放疗与化疗并用引起的黏膜反应。
Conclusion IL-β can activate astrocytes, upregulate the expression of GFAP and PCNA, and incite the cell cycle. 论IL-β激活星形胶质细胞,上调GFAP和PCNA的表达,并启动细胞周期进程,促使星形胶质细胞进入增殖周期。
Conclusion Immunity system of the premature infants is not perfect and the low function of cellular immunity and humoral immunity could lead to various infections,which provides a theoretical basis for the application of opsonin. 论 :早产儿免疫系统发育不成熟 ,存在细胞免疫和体液免疫功能低下 ,容易引起各种感染 ,应引起足够重视并及早进行干预 ,预防感染发生 ,这也为及早应用免疫调节剂提供了理论依据
Conclusion In the early stage of measles,the application of Rhizoma zedoariae oil in the treatment can obviously relieve the toxemic symptoms of measles with remarkable curative effect and deserves popularizing. 论 麻疹早期应用莪术油治疗可明显减轻麻疹毒血症症状,疗效显著,值得推广应用。
Conclusion Individuals with MICA~*008 positivity is not liable to HCMV infection, but those with MICA *008 (-) can be vulnerable to HCMV infection, suggesting an inverse correlation between MICA*008 allele with HCMV. 论MICA*008基因阳性个体对HCMV不易感,阴性个体对HCMV易感,即MICA*008基因与HCMV负相关。
Conclusion Intense pulsed light technology can be effective for the treatment of freckles,pigment after acne and senile lentigo. 论:IPL对雀斑、痤疮后色素沉着斑、老年斑有良好的疗效。
Conclusion It is considered that the location of the insertion should be at the middle point of anterior border of the round window niche anterior from 0.90mm to .9mm,deorsum from 0mm to .9mm. 论幼儿人工耳蜗植入点应选择在圆窗龛前游离缘中点向前0.90-.9mm、向下.9mm以内的位置;
Conclusion It's rather rare that the pedigreewith proband's tether and grandfather are t (;) (q , q ). 论先证者及其父亲、祖父均为t(;)(q ;q ),十分罕见。

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