Because of karma, you meet people, you encounter things and affairs. As long as you face them with a sincere, cherishing heart, Dao is there. |
中文意思: 跟所有的人、事、物接触都是缘,只要以诚敬之心去面对它,珍惜它,那些都是道。 |
Because of its rarity beyond the neonatal period, prompt diagnosis depends on maintaining a high index of suspicion when the abdomen is distended and suddenly tender to palpation.
由于这样的表现很少出现在非婴儿时期的孩童,因此提出此病例,以供日后诊断时参考。 |
Because of its scientific internal connotation as well as external functions, system theory becomes a new thinking and scientific methodology in handling complicated system and large-scaled modem project.
摘要系统论因其内在科学内涵和外在方法功用而成为处理、解决复杂系统和现代化大型工程的新思路和科学方法论。 |
Because of its small size, a motorcycle can be easily hidden in a car's blind spots (door/roof pillars) or masked by objects or backgrounds outside a car (bushes, fences, bridges, etc).
因为较小的尺寸,机车可以轻易的隐藏在汽车的视觉死角(门柱车顶柱等)或是被其他物件遮盖(树丛、栅栏、桥梁等等)。 |
Because of its unique structure, as compared to that of other Chemical resistant SPC, Wilsonart Chemsurf SPC's flexural, tensile, and impact strengthen are much better and it can bear much heavier load.
因为独特的构造,威盛亚耐蚀理化板拥有卓越的抗弯和抗冲击的性能,相比于其它结构的理化板,是更能承载重物且不易受压弯曲的结实台面。 |
Because of its vitally important position on the Silk Road, virtually every stage of this progress is chronicled in the caves at Dunhuang.
因为它在丝绸之路的地位尤为重要,事实上这种进展的每一个阶段都被编写入敦煌的洞穴里。 |
Because of karma, you meet people, you encounter things and affairs. As long as you face them with a sincere, cherishing heart, Dao is there.
跟所有的人、事、物接触都是缘,只要以诚敬之心去面对它,珍惜它,那些都是道。 |
Because of lack of teachers and examine mechanism, maladjustment of textbooks, low of student's English level, the bilingual teaching of private international law exists many problems.
由于师资和考核机制的欠缺、教材的不相适应、学生的外语能力不高,国际私法的双语教学存在诸多问题。 |
Because of laser's transient heating and fast cooling on metal surface, laser cladding ceramic reinforced composite layer on titanium alloy surface can greatly improve wear resistance of titanium alloy.
利用高能激光束对材料表面瞬间加热和熔池快速冷却的特性,在钛合金表面用激光熔覆一层陶瓷增强复合材料,能够显著提高钛合金的耐磨性能。 |
Because of loneliness,they desire for wealth,therefore hurt others.
因为孤单寂寞想要拥有财富,因此才会侵害他人。 |
Because of long-time water erosion and weathering , the furface of the stone becomes uneven, looking like a rough sea.
由于长年被水流冲蚀溶蚀及风化作用,使岩石表面凸凹不平,如同风吹过水面,卷起千层浪。 |
Because of low pressure required, even manual pumping can filter water successfully to achieve the potable water quality.
因为水力过滤器所要求的压力小,在受灾区域没有电力供应的情况下,通过手动水泵实现正常过滤,保证受灾人员的饮用水安全。 |