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If life is hard, I must fight it; if love is hard-earned, I must cherish it.

If lessons go unlearned and steps are skipped, it leads to a greater and greater level of distortion in evolution over time. 如果课程未学习、步骤被省略,那麽经过时间累积,进化扭曲程度将越来越严重。
If life can rewind, and I can go back to the past, the loving messages daddy's hands have delivered, would not be taken for granted any more. 若生命能重新再来,让我再活一次,爸爸的双手传递出的爱,我不再视之为理所当然的。
If life did evolve independently on Mars, its discovery would complete the Galilean revolution that removed Earth and its life from the centre of the universe, says Kargel. 如果火星上真的存在独立演化出的生命,发现它们“将把伽利略的革命进行到底,地球及其上的生命都将被推离宇宙的中心,”卡苟说。
If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. 如果生活就像一床被子,那么爱就是其中的线。
If life is good it is easier to be full of appreciation. 如果人生美好,感激是理所当然的。
If life is hard, I must fight it; if love is hard-earned, I must cherish it. 如果生活是艰辛的,我会努力去奋斗;如果爱来之不易,我会好好珍惜。
If lightning is striking nearby when you are outside, you should: crouch down AND keep your legs together AND keep at least 5 metres away from other people. 当你在户外,闪电在你身边附近发生时,你要:下蹲并双腿靠拢,必须与其它人保持至少5米的距离。
If line length is half wave at a certain frequency and both the load resistance Rt and source resistance Rs are higher than the characteristic impedance Zo, then both the voltages at input and at load are maximum at that frequency and both the voltages at 负载端电阻及电源电阻均高于传输线特性阻抗情况下,当线长为某频率波长之半波,则输入端与负载端电压在该频率均为最高,在该频率之半时则电压均为最低。
If line length is half wave at a certain frequency and the load resistance Rt is lower while source resistance Rs is higher than the characteristic impedance Zo, then both the voltages at input and at load are minimum at that frequency and both the voltag 负载端电阻低于传输线特性阻抗及电源电阻高于传输线特性阻抗情况下,当线长为某频率波长之半波,则输入端与负载端电压在该频率均为最低,在该频率之半时则电压均为最高。
If lines, called isanomals, are drawn on a world, joining places of equal thermal anomaly, an isanomalous map is the result. 如果在一世界图上把有相同温度异常的地点以等异常(等距平)线画出来,结果就得到一张气温异常图。
If live is disappointing or doesnt make sense,many people think that love is the answer to that as well. 如果生活是令人失望的或是没有感觉了,很多人也会认为也是对爱的诠释.

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