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This general election campaign lasts eight months.

This gave me an opportunity to get to know the city more intimately. 而这就给了我一次更深入了解这个城市的机会。
This gave the researchers the chance to see how the extortion market would adjust. 这使得研究者有机会看到勒索市场是如何调节地。
This gave us the conditions to chant for him and even to place an electric prayer wheel above his head. 这让我们不仅能替他唱诵,并且甚至能放一个电动的祈祷轮在他的头上。
This gene has acquired quite a bad name. 这种基因有一种不好名声。
This general accessibility is itself part of the same stock of knowledge, not only are the standards of role X generally known, but it is known that these standards are known. 这些可得性本身就是同样知识仓储的一部份,也就是说,人们不只知道不只X角色的普遍准则,也知道这样的准则是大家都知道的。
This general election campaign lasts eight months. 这次大选为时八个月。
This general principle is called the Cooperative Principle (CP). 他认为会话的最高原则是合作,称为合作原则。
This generally pro-business stance has been softened by good old-fashioned economic populism, such as price controls on mobile-phone roaming charges, and plans to limit car emissions, albeit not as much as green lobbyists had hoped. 这种“亲企业”主要立场,被那些放低姿态的、虔诚的、守旧的的经济民粹主义者接受,比如针对手机漫游费用而进行控制,出台计划限制汽车尾气排放等,尽管并未像所期盼的那样,有很多的环保人士来助阵。
This generally works best on a sustained trill. 这个技巧一般较好的表现在持续抖音。
This generates capital in a very short period of time. 在很短的时间内就能见到效果。
This generates connectivity and encourages continuity in communication. 这会产生连通性和促进交流的连续性。

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