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So, that's not even under consideration at this point,he said.

So, that was it. We put the calories in our stomachs and set off for Beijing. Each pass made us warm, and each downhill was a frozen burden. (这段旅程也就告一段落了。我们填饱了肚子便启程北京。每到一处都是那么温暖人心,而每段下坡路却是冰冷的负担。)
So, that was the beginning of the elePHPant story. But you can ask me, “Why an elephant to symbolize PHP? 如此,这就是“大象”故事的起因。但你会问:“为什么用大象作为PHP的象征?”
So, that would probably be one of my favorites, I think. 这样那将可能是我的受欢迎的人的之一,,我想。
So, that year I got a paper route. 所以,那年我就开始了我的送报历程。
So, that's 7:30 on Wednesday? 好,那就定在星期三晚上7点半。
So, that's not even under consideration at this point,he said. 所以,我们眼下甚至还没有考虑援救的问题。”
So, that's seven to fourteen hours a week. 所以一个礼拜大概看了七到十四小时。
So, that's what FBI badge looks like. 39啊,原来FBI的徽章就是这样的。
So, that's your new television? 那么,那是你的新电视机啰?
So, the Bayesian network is a good method to deal with the information from the differentiation of symptoms, and can be used to develop the artificial intelligence system for TCM syndrome differentiation. 所以贝叶斯网络是对中医辨证进行信息挖掘处理的一种较好方法,可应用于中医人工智能辨证系统的建立。
So, the Chinese civilization is related not only with the Yangtze River and Yellow River, but also closely with the rapid uplift of the QXP. 因此,中华文明的形成不仅与长江、黄河等流域有关,而且与青藏高原的剧烈隆起有密切关系。

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