Particularly, Zhong Xueping's analysis of masculinity in Contemporary Chinese Literature provides me with a comprehensive understanding of the research development of Chinese masculinity, and further his research arouses my contemplation of the potentiali
这方面以钟雪萍对于中国当代文学中男性气质建构的研究最具代表性,通过阅读这一著作我了解了本论题目前在海外发展所达到的水平,思索进一步推进该领域研究的可能性。 |
Particularly, as a new growing point of this subject, the research on electromagnetic biological engineering has taken the first step.
而作为新的学科生长点,电磁生物工程的研究已经起步。 |
Particularly, many public health questions were attributed to the social politics.
特别是许多公共卫生问题的病因解释,都归于深刻的社会政治根源。 |
Particularly, the London School which put strong emphasis on the function of language is known internationally.
特别是重视语言功能研究的伦敦学派闻名遐尔。 |
Particulars are too meager to form a decision.
详情不明,难以做出裁夺。 |
Particulate matter pollution is considered the biggest health risk. But the WHO Air Quality Guidelines also recommended lowering the daily allowed limits for ozone.
除了指出微粒物质的污染被视为最大的健康威胁外,WHO空气质量指南还推荐调低日均臭氧限值。 |
Parties hereto may revise or su lement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.
本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商修订或补充。 |
Parties hereto may revise or supplement through negotiation matters not mentioned herein.
本合同如有未尽事宜,双方可协商修订或补充。 |
Parties involved that do not implement the administrative penalty decisions shall be ordered forcible implementation by the People's Court upon request from the agencies pmaking the administrative penalty decisions.
当事人拒不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。 |
Parties mutually agree to submit to arbitration in the hope to avoiding drawn-out public clashes in the courts.
双方同意提交仲裁以望避免在法庭上长时间的公开冲突。 |
Parties of the aristocracy and courtesans could only be held indoors.
唐代唯元宵节,可燃灯狂欢,诗多记此,如苏味道:「金吾不禁夜,玉漏莫相催。」 |