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The countdown to the crisis actually began a year ago, when the Bush administration lopped off the dollop of bridging funds it had promised.

The count() function counts the elements of an array, or the properties of an object. 函数的作用是:计算数组中的元素数目或对象中的属性个数。
The count_chars() function returns how many times an ASCII character occurs within a string and returns the information. 函数的作用是:返回字符串所使用字符的信息的次数。
The countdown began, and then the other runners and I were off! 时间已开始倒数,而其他的选手和我象离弦之箭!
The countdown begins in earnest as early as October. 倒计时早在10月份就正式开始了。
The countdown has begun and we are ready to launch! 倒计时开始了,我们已经准备好了!
The countdown to the crisis actually began a year ago, when the Bush administration lopped off the dollop of bridging funds it had promised. 此一科研经费的危机实际上在一年之前,当布希政府删削了他早先答应的过渡基金时,便已开始倒数计时了。
The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off. 水槽的台面上有许多凹槽,水可以沿着这些凹槽流走。
The counter-rotating dual-rotor system in aeroengines can reduce the influence of rotors' gyroscopic moments on aircrafts, cut down the torque of cases and improve the flexibility of airplanes. 摘要航空发动机采用反向旋转的双转子系统,有助于减小转子整体陀螺力矩对飞机的影响,降低机匣负荷,提高飞机机动性能。
The counteract of the slow process of urbanization and the backward process of the social-economy as the common characteristic in the present development of the Southwest National Area. 摘要城镇化进程缓慢与社会经济发展滞后问题相交错,是西南民族地区目前发展的共有特征。
The counterargument is that disseminating such a scary image is intended to buck up his subjects' fighting spirit while persuading his enemies to appease him. 也有不同的意见,认为散布金正日这一令人恐怖的形象,目的是打消其臣民的斗志,鼓动其敌人来安抚他。
The counterattack roots you in place and it can not be dodged or parried, it is guaranteed to land. 反击会让你定在一个地方,并且是不能被招架/格挡的,是肯定命中的。

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