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Equivocation is first cousin to a lie.

Equity or venture capital based on future outlook of company (warrants of stock always required). 5. 4.以公司前景为基础的股份和风险投资。
Equivalence has been a core question in translation studies, yet researchers have not reached a consensus on the definition of it. 摘要“等值”问题是翻译研究的核心之一,非常复杂,因而对于这一概念,中外译学研究者们迄今没有得出一个明确而统一的定义。
Equivalence translation is one of the topics disputed about the translation theories. 摘要等值翻译是翻译理论界长期以来争论不休的话题之一。
Equivalent level trade union representatives shall participate in district labour dispute arbitration organizations. 地方劳动争议仲裁组织应当有同级工会代表参加。
Equivocal appendicitis cases, on the other hand, would be processed through computer scanning. 临床上模棱两可之病人,则安排计算机断层检查。
Equivocation is first cousin to a lie. 含糊其词是谎话的近亲。
Equus caused a storm when it was first staged at the National Theatre in 1973. 1973年,《马属》首次上演后曾引起一片轰动。
Er Lian Port, Moscow, or ULAN-UDE, each city is OK. 就在口岸,二连。或者是你到了莫斯科,你到乌兰乌德那些城市,哪个城市都能换。
Er Yue He's novels belong to cultural-historical novels.Through the portrayal of rascals, he makes a rich presentation of folklore, thus arouses people's potential reading desire. 摘要二月河清帝系列小说应归入“文化历史小说”範畴,它通过无赖形象的勾勒,展现了丰富的民俗学内容,激起了民间潜伏已久的阅读渴望。
Er and Onan were sons of Judah, but they died in Canaan. 19犹大的儿子是珥和俄南。这珥和俄南死在迦南地。
Er views very definitely. 她非常明确地阐述自己的观点。

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