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What mind is there that does not shrink from its direful effects?

What might be the problem? 可能是什么问题?
What might be the significance of the name Miss Barbaryin Bleak House? 《荒凉山庄》中的“巴巴利小姐”这个名字涵义可能为何?
What might he be doing at this time of the day? 他这个时候可能在干什么呢?
What might they have to do with intelligence? 而它们和智能有何关系?
What might well be the most exclusive and highly sought-after bourbon, this whiskey was distilled at the now defunct Michter Distillery in Pennsylvania. 这是一款卓越的波本威士忌,它的生产商位于宾夕法尼亚,它叫什么名字?
What mind is there that does not shrink from its direful effects? 哪一颗心不会在这令人毛骨悚然的三个字前抽搐痉挛?
What misconception about you should you try to correct? For instance, if he thinks that you are too young and inexperienced, how can you convince him that he is wrong? 你如何纠正未来老板对你可能产生的错误认识?比方说,他认为你太年轻,缺乏经验?
What mode of transport is used? 使用何种运输方式?
What moment stands out most, that you will never forget, that involved stuttering? 最让你刻骨铭心,最让你永远无法忘怀的口吃经历是什么呢?
What month do soldiers hate? 当兵的不喜欢几月份?
What month is next month? 下个月是几月份?

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