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Studies on the Influences of Niacin on Physiological Parameters and Milk Production of Holstin Cows——I .Influences of Niacin Supplementation on the Ruminal Digestion and Metabolism

Studies on the Flower Type Classification of Hollyhock (Althaea rosea Cav.) Cultivars 蜀葵园艺品种花型分类初探
Studies on the Growth of Juvenile Lamprotula Fibrosa under Different Conditions and the Change of Morphology of the Shell 不同培育条件下绢丝丽蚌幼蚌生长试验及贝壳形态变化的研究
Studies on the Identification of Eupatorium forunei and Eupatorium heterophyllum 云南习用药材“泽兰”与中药佩兰的比较鉴别
Studies on the Incest Breeding and Its Effects on Progeny Vitality of Trichogramma dendrolimi 松毛虫赤眼蜂近亲交配及其对子代生活力的影响
Studies on the Inflnences of Niacin on Physiological Parameters and Milk Production of Hoistin Cows II.Effect of Niacin Supplementation on Energy Stress and Ketosis of Dairy Cows in Early Lactation 饲料中添加烟酸对奶牛生理参数及生产性能影响的研究 Ⅱ、对泌乳早期能量应激及酮病的影响
Studies on the Influences of Niacin on Physiological Parameters and Milk Production of Holstin Cows——I .Influences of Niacin Supplementation on the Ruminal Digestion and Metabolism 烟酸对奶牛生理参数及生产性能影响的研究——.烟酸对瘤胃消化代谢的影响
Studies on the Magnetic Properties of Binuclear Copper(Ⅱ) Complex of a Bibracchial Lariat Ether 双臂套索冠醚双核铜(Ⅱ)配合物的磁性质研究
Studies on the Mechanism and Inheritance of Resistance to Aspergillus Flavus Link Invasion and Aflatoxin Production in Peanut(Arachis Hypogaea L.) 花生抗黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus Link)侵染和产毒机制以及抗性遗传规律的研究
Studies on the Metabolites in Vivo of Phytoestrogen Kobophenol A and Their Mechanism Thereof 植物雌激素kobophenol A 的体内代谢产物及其机理研究
Studies on the Mid-infrared Photon Localization in Random Media and the Z-scan Technique 无序介质的中红外光子局域化和Z-扫描技术研究
Studies on the Mixed LB Films of the Porphyrin and Arachic Acid 卟啉与花生酸混合LB膜研究

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