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England's win at cricket was the only crumb of comfort in a week of consistently bad news for British sport.

England's opium trade and the cannon from in the ignorant condition which passed on from generation to generation awaken the Chinese, cause they to produce the revolutionary struggle enthusiasm; It will break the condition which China will close the borde 英国的鸦片贸易和大炮将中国人从世代相传的愚昧状态中唤醒,使他们产生了革命斗争的热情;它将打破中国闭关自守的状态,使中国实现同外部世界的联系,从而促进中国旧制度的灭亡;中国的社会发展在同西方国家的社会发展的相互作用过程中实现。
England's qualification hopes took a knock late last year with a draw against FYR Macedonia and defeat in Croatia. 英格兰队的晋级资格的希望被在上一年打平FYR马其顿和败给克罗地亚后受到打击。
England's squad will be bolstered by the inclusion of Wayne Rooney, with his two-match ban completed. 英格兰还可以把杰拉德从右边移回中间,但是这会让他和兰帕德的搭档成为老生常谈。
England's supreme World Cup hero was the inspirational Bobby Moore, who in 1966 at Wembley captained his country to its only World Cup final success to date in a 4-2 victory over West Germany. 才华横溢的博比·摩尔是英格兰最伟大的世界杯英雄,他于1966年作为队长率领英格兰队在温布利球场(位于伦敦的著名足球场)以4比2击败了西德队,为自己的祖国夺得了迄今为止惟一一个世界杯冠军。
England's tally at the moment is 15 points, against Scotland's 11. 目前英格兰的记分是15,苏格兰是11分。
England's win at cricket was the only crumb of comfort in a week of consistently bad news for British sport. 英格兰队板球获胜,这仅仅是一周中英国体育运动一连串坏消息后的一种小小安慰。
England, Scotland, and Wales compose / make up Great Britain. 英格兰,苏格兰和威尔士构成了大不列颠。
England, Scotland, and Wales formed a customs union after 1707 and this included Ireland after 1807. So the national market was not hindered by internal customs barriers. 1707年后,英格兰、苏格兰和威尔士形成关税联盟,1807年后爱尔兰加入。因此,全国市场不再受阴于内部的关税障碍。
England, the most calculative is the least meditative, of all civilized countries. 在所有文明国家里,英国是最会计算的而最不会沉思的。
England, who became infamous when photos of the diminutive soldier holding a naked prisoner by a leash were broadcast across the globe, broke down in tears in court here after her sentence was announced yesterday. 此前,美国军事法庭26日认定,现年22岁的英格兰被指控的7项罪名中有6项成立,包括1项阴谋罪、4项虐待囚犯罪以及1项行为不检点罪。
England, with one point from one game so far, play an Italy side coached by former Chelsea strike pair Gianfranco Zola and Pierluigi Casiraghi tonight (Thursday). 现在打了一场得到一分的英格兰,将面对由一对切尔西前射手佐拉和卡里西奇带领的意大利队。

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