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Agriculture: bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal; livestock; forest products; fish.

Agriculture revenue cut is an important measure the Party and government Take to solve the three agriculture problem, and also a focus of common concern from all walks of life. 摘要减免农业税是新时期党和政府为解决“三农”问题而采取的重要举措,也是当前社会各界广泛关注的热点问题。
Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country. 农业曾是这个国家的经济支柱。
Agriculture, the original basis of civilization, has lost its dominance. 农业,这原本的文明基础,已经失去其优势。
Agriculture: bananas, citrus, mangoes, root crops. 农业:香蕉,柑橘,芒果,根茎类作物.
Agriculture: bananas, coffee, cacao, rice; cattle; balsa wood; fish. 农业:香蕉,咖啡,可可,大米;牛肉;木材,鱼类。
Agriculture: bananas, sugarcane, coffee, sisal; livestock; forest products; fish. 农业:香蕉,甘蔗,咖啡,波罗麻,家畜,森林产业,渔业.
Agriculture: cassava (tapioca), sugar, rice, corn; forest products. 农业:木薯,糖,大米,玉米,森林产品.
Agriculture: coffee, cacao, cotton, rubber; livestock; timber. 农业:咖啡,可可,棉花,橡胶,家畜,木材.
Agriculture: coffee, cotton, tea, corn; beef. 农业:咖啡,棉花,茶,谷物,牛肉.
Agriculture: cotton, corn, cassava (tapioca), yams; livestock. 农业:棉花,小麦,木薯,山药,家畜.
Agriculture: cotton, peanuts, shea nuts, sesame; livestock. 农业:棉花,花生,奶油树,芝麻,家畜.

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