In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses…from our children, family members, friends, and God. |
中文意思: 其实,我们每个人都有个金色的盒子,里面装满了无私的爱和吻,这些吻来自我们的孩子、家人、朋友和上帝。 |
In a university, there is less to be gained by brown-nosing, so dis-agreement prevails.
在大学里,拍马屁没有多少市场,所以表示异议大行其道。 |
In a vain attempt to rid himself of all reminders of this uncomfortable encounter, he had given the gerbil to his delighted niece and instructed his private secretary to take down the portrait of the ugly little man who had announced Fudge's arrival.
他徒劳地想要除去所有能提醒他回忆起那件事的东西,他把沙鼠送给了他的侄女,还让私人秘书把宣布福吉到访的那幅丑男人画像给摘下来。 |
In a variant on this model, matter thins out on large scales in a fractal pattern.
这类模型的另一种变形是,物质在大尺度时变得稀薄,形成碎形的图样。 |
In a very bright galaxy 400 million light-years away, two black holes are drifting toward each other and in millions of years will merge with an eruption of energy and a burst of gravitational waves that could warp the very fabric of space, astronomers sa
天文学家本周二说,在一个距地球4亿光年的明亮星系内,两个黑洞正在互相靠近,数百万年后将融为一体,并爆发出大量的能量,由此产生的引力波可能会影响到宇宙的每一个角落。 |
In a very real sense, each of us as humans has been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses from our children, friends, and family.
老实说,我们每个人都曾收到过这样的一个盒子,里面盛满来自我们孩子、朋友和家人的无私的爱。 |
In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses…from our children, family members, friends, and God.
其实,我们每个人都有个金色的盒子,里面装满了无私的爱和吻,这些吻来自我们的孩子、家人、朋友和上帝。 |
In a veterinarians waiting room: Be back in 5 minutes, Sit! Stay!
兽医的候诊内:稍候5分钟。趴下,别动! |
In a vicious cycle, a reduction in hippocampal size can make it more difficult for a child to process and deal with traumatic events, which in turn may raise both stress and cortisol levels that cause even more damage.
海马体积的缩小使得儿童在处理创伤性事件时更为困难,而这些创伤性事件又可提高应激和皮质醇水平,进而导致海马更严重的损伤,从而构成恶性循环。 |
In a video aired by an Arabic television news network, the captors of three Japanese hostages held knives to their throats and threatened to burn them alive if Japan did not withdrawn from the U.S.-led occupying coalition within three days.
在阿拉伯语电视新闻网播放的录像带中,劫持者把刀架在三名日本人质的脖子上,并威胁说如果日本在三天之内不从美军为首的联合占领军中撤出,被劫持人质将被烧死。 |
In a view of history, it is a catastrophe for life form when meteorites impacted the earth, people even think the impacts were involved in the extinguishments of mass species (for example the extinguishments of dinosaur) in life form history.
从历史的角度来看,陨石群撞击地球对地球生物来说是灾难性的,人们甚至认为生物发展史上的大规模的物种灭绝(如恐龙的灭绝)与此有关。 |
In a village in Anyang County in Honan, I found a young farm wife who told me she was constantly forced to receive the attentions of a local landlord, the head of a Kuomintang militia corps.
在河南安阳县的一村子里,一个年轻的农妇告诉我,她被迫经常接待本地一个地主,国民党民团的头子。 |