The ancient library of Alexandria was destroyed during Cleopatra's reign.
古亚历山大图书馆在克利奥帕特拉统治期间被毁坏了。 |
The ancient people who was successful, not only had exceptional talent but also had unflinching will.
古人立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有望忍不拔之志。 |
The ancient people worshiped the astronomical phenomena very much; they recorded many events in related with the astronomical phenomena.
古人迷信天时,很多事件的发生都与天象联系而记录下来,是研究历法和天文年代学的基本资料。 |
The ancient privilege of sanctuary was transferred to the Christian temple.
古代的庇护特权转移到了基督教的教堂。 |
The ancient sages of China passed down a lot of wisdom in the form of proverbs.
中国的古圣先贤用成语流传很多智慧给下一代的人。 |
The ancient temple has fallen into ruin.
这座古庙已经荒废。 |
The ancient temple was built of wood.
这所庙宇是木结构的。 |
The ancient testimony, however, is widespread, and it comes from a variety of sources: historians such as Pliny and Diodorus, philosophers such as Plato, the poets Aeschylus and Cicero, the geographer Strabo, the travel writer Pausanias, and even a priest
然而古老的见证广为流传,来源各有不同:历史学家普林尼与狄奥多鲁斯,哲学家如柏拉图、诗人爱斯奇勒斯与西塞罗,地质学家史特拉波,旅行作家波塞尼亚斯,甚至包括一名在德尔菲为阿波罗服务的祭司,即著名的散文兼传记作家普鲁塔克。 |
The ancient texts insist we are destined to become as gods - the Mayan Lords of Light and the Egyptian/Tibetan Shining Ones.
古老文本强调我们预定成为跟神一样-玛雅人的光明之王以及埃及/西藏明亮的一。 |
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar - one of India's most backward and poorest states - is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
这个名叫奥兰加巴德的古镇位于印度最为落后和贫穷的比哈尔邦,这里的人民长期饱受杀人、敲诈勒索、绑架和帮派内战等犯罪事件的困扰。 |
The ancient town of Aurangabad in Bihar -- one of India's most backward and poorest states -- is a hotbed of crime ranging from killing, extortion, kidnapping and inter-caste wars.
印度古老城市奥兰加巴德位于该国最贫困落后的比哈尔邦,这里谋杀、勒索、绑架以及阶级内部纷争等犯罪行为层出不穷。 |