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A needle dust as the model of the intergalactic dust is emploied, which is used to explain the reason why the supernova light tracks intergalactic space do not redden obviously.

A necessary and sufficient coindition for the existence of positive solutions of a class of singular boundary value problems of higher order differential equations is given by means of the method of lower and upper solutions with the maximum principle. 摘要利用上下解方法和极大植原理给出了一类高阶微分方程的奇异边值问题正解存在的充分必要条件。
A necessary condition of Devaney's chaos for cellular automata (CA) is found, then an algorithm is presented to verify which CA satisfy this condition. 摘要提出了元胞自动机混沌的一个必要条件,给出了判断初等元胞自动机是否满足这一条件的算法。
A necessary condition to obtain nutrition for maintaining the life activities of the human body is food intake. 饮食是摄取营养,维持机体生命活动的必要条件。
A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet.We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. 为了使和平降临这个星球,这是必要的牺牲。我们不能让人类为我们的过错遭受不幸。
A neck with bolts, Nurse were losin him, check the pulse! 毛边脖子,“护士他正在离开我们,检查他的脉搏!”
A needle dust as the model of the intergalactic dust is emploied, which is used to explain the reason why the supernova light tracks intergalactic space do not redden obviously. 摘要建立了星系际尘埃的针型模型,该模型能很好地解释高红移超新星的星光通过星系际空间时没有产生明显红化效应的原因。
A needle mdkes tiny holes in the skin and a dark dye is placed under the skin to create a picture or pattern. 一根针在皮肤上刺上微小的一个个小孔,且在皮肤下放进黑色的颜料形成一副画或一个图案。
A negative look-ahead assertion. Require that the following characters do not match the pattern p. 匹配是贪婪的,但可以用?实现非贪婪的重复,只需在重复字符后加?即可.
A negative vote, especially one that blocks the admission of an applicant to an organization. 反对票反对票,尤指妨碍了吸收某组织的申请人的一票
A negative ε or μ implies that the electrons within the material move in the opposite direction to the force applied by the electric and magnetic fields. 负的ε或μ代表材料中的电子是朝著电场及磁场施力的反方向移动。
A negligent crime committed by two or more persons jointly is not to be punished as a joint crime; those who should bear criminal responsibility are to be punished separately according to the crimes they have committed. 二人以上共同过失犯罪,不以共同犯罪论处;应当负刑事责任的,按照他们所犯的罪分别处罚。

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