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But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities.

But they and their keepers can see the storm coming, and they know when they're in it. 它们不知道风将会吹的有多猛烈,或者它将会持续多久。
But they answered: Frighten? Why should any one be frightened by a hat? 但是大人们都说:“吓着?我们干嘛要被一顶帽子吓着啊?”
But they answered: Frighten? Why should anyone be frightened by a hat? 但是他们说:“吓倒?为什么有人会被一顶帽子吓倒?”
But they are Your people and Your inheritance, whom You have brought out with Your great strength and with Your outstretched arm. 29其实他们是你的百姓,你的产业,是你用大能和伸出来的膀臂领出来的。
But they are a minority. 但他们毕竟只占少数。
But they are altogether brutish and foolish: the stock is a doctrine of vanities. 8他们尽都是畜类,是愚昧的。偶像的训诲算什么呢。偶像不过是木头。
But they are altogether stupid and foolish In their discipline of delusion their idol is wood! 耶10:8他们尽都是畜类、是愚昧的.偶像的训诲算甚麽呢.偶像不过是木头。
But they are being used as the first line therapy in many situations. 但它在很多情况下的确正应用在一线治疗中。
But they are concerned that adoptions by famous couples may draw attention away from what many feel are better solutions to the problem. 但是他们担心名人家庭的收养可能会使注意力背离许多人认为更好的解决方法。
But they are concerned,that adoptions by famous couples may draw attetion away from what many feel are better solutions to the problem. 但是他们担心的是,名人夫妇收养孤儿也许会转移人们的注意力,让他们远离那些解决这些问题更好的办法。
But they are functional and familiar. 但他们是很实用并且为我们所熟悉。

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