The 175-pound showdown features Tarver, widely regarded as the top light heavyweight in the sport, in an intriguing fight versus a future Hall of Famer in Hopkins, who is hoping to make history in what he calls his final ring performance.
175磅的塔菲尔普遍看作是轻重量级最好的拳手,很有兴趣和未来名人堂成员-霍普比赛,霍普希望在他谢幕赛上创造历史. |
The 18 year-old carries a Spanish passport and was watched by a high-ranking Juve official on Sunday.
这名18岁的球员拥有一本西班牙护照,在上周他已经引来尤文官员的注意。 |
The 18-month version covers from July 2007 to December 2008 (for the academic year).
这本周记笔记本将会以18个月的形式(配合上学的日历)出现,由2007年7月直到2008年12月。 |
The 18-year-old defender was handed the No.3 shirt and played the full 90 minutes in his home city of Belfast.
这位18岁的后卫身披3号战袍在巴尔法斯特的乡亲父老前打满了全场。 |
The 18-year-old prodigy, who is reportedly being tracked by The Blues, as well as many of Europe's top clubs, claims there should be no excuse for the defeat which ended the side's US tour on a lacklustre note.
这个18岁的天才少年,被报道被蓝军跟踪考察并且被许多欧洲大俱乐部看上了,他认为蓝军再美国的行程表现是不好的,没法解释的。 |
The 18-year-old was named player of the tournament after finishing as its top scorer with eight goals, but it was an outrageous piece of skill — which was quickly nicknamed “the seal dribble” — that drew most attention and sparked a media frenzy.
在那届比赛里这位18岁的球员打进了8个进球成为杯赛的最佳射手,但他有着难以置信的技术,这很快引起了注意并让媒体为之疯狂。 |
The 18-year-old who went on a shooting spree in a Utah mall had several rounds of ammunition and 2 guns.
这位年仅18岁少年拿着两把枪和一些弹药在尤他州的一所商场内持续一阵扫射。 |
The 185-pound Steller sea lion waddled ashore, shocking students and teachers.
于是这只重185磅的北海狮一摇一摆地走上岸来,把学生与老师都吓了一大跳。 |
The 1897 discover of gold in the Klondike hastened the commercial development of Washington State, as did the increasing trade with Pacific Islands.
参考译文:在火星发现了四个巨大的盾形火山,还有大量的同地球上发现的小火山相似的火山。 |
The 18th Century porcelain dentures were found by archaeologists during a dig in London. They belonged to the Archbishop of Narbonne, Arthur Richard Dillon, who died in 1806.
这副18世纪的瓷制假牙是由考古学家在伦敦的一次挖掘过程中发现的。假牙的主人是法国纳巴达大主教亚瑟·理查德·狄龙,这位大主教死于1806年。 |
The 18th archetype is the Bearer of Fulfillment.
第18个原型是实现的肩负者。 |