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Carl Showalter: O.K., we'll go get some fucking pancakes and then get laid.

Carl Jung: The confluence of events in the cultural gestalt necessitated that individual chickens cross roads at this historical juncture, and therefore synchronicitously brought such occurrences into being. 荣格:在文化整体格架中的诸事件之汇流,使得个别的小鸡在历史转折处穿过马路,因而同时使得这类偶然事件发生了。
Carl Jung: well, I can't say. 卡尔荣:这个我不好说。
Carl Riskin, Renwei Zhao and Shi Li, China's Retreat from Equality: Income Distribution and Economic Transition. New York: M.E. Sharpe, 2001. 布伦纳,“中国农村财产分配的重新考察”,载赵人伟、李实、李思勤主编《中国居民收入分配再研究》。北京:中国财政经济出版社,1999年。
Carl Ronald) Giles, English cartoonist, was born. 1961年,英国漫画家卡尔·罗纳德·吉尔斯出生。
Carl Ronisch himself was appointed purveyor of the Court of Saxony, which led to the company bearing the title Carl Ronisch Court Piano Factories Dresden, with three crowns on the iron string frame of the piano. 1902, Dresden, Germany. 罗西尼被任命为宫廷御用制琴师.其制造的钢琴荣获德莱斯顿省卡尔罗西尼宫廷钢琴制造厂的勋号;琴内铸铁板上有三个宫廷勋章.1902年,德国德莱斯顿.
Carl Showalter: O.K., we'll go get some fucking pancakes and then get laid. 好吧,我们先去吃些该死的烤薄饼然后再找人上床。
Carl croaks, I know you're keen, But no zebra is meant to be green! 卡尔说:「我知道你很想试穿我的皮大衣,可是斑马不应该是绿色的。」
Carl finally yielded to his son's demands for a new toy. 卡尔终于妥协,答应给他儿子买新玩具。
Carl had been from his childhood a ball of fortune to spurn at. 自从童年时起卡尔就一直是一个被命运跑踢来踢去的球,饱经沧桑。
Carl is cheesed off with his job. 卡尔被工作弄得打不起精神来。
Carl is greeted one morning by his older sister, Emma, a graduate student of psychology. 一天早上,卡尔的姐姐爱玛跟他打招呼。艾玛是个研究生,主修心理学。

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