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Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: that is, they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals.

Amongst them, over 300,000 people were assisted, including this Guatemalan refugee in Mexico, where UNHCR organized agricultural and other self-sufficiency projects. 其中30多万人得到救助,包括在墨西哥的这名危地马拉难民,联合国难民署在墨西哥实施了农业和其他自给自足项目。
Amongst your immediate colleagues , what part do you play in ensuring that the team meets its objectives ? 在与你最为亲密的同事相处时,为了确保团队目标能够完成,你在其中扮演什么角色?
Amongthefourareas and 18 assignments listed by the implementation plan of “the sunlight green network project”, SMS management, mobile information service management, internet access service market management, uniformed SP code, telephone operation user r “阳光绿色网络工程”实施方案所明确列出的四个方面18项重点工作中,手机短信息治理活动、移动信息服务治理活动、互联网接入服务市场专项治理、统一SP代码、电话业务用户实名制、倡导“绿色手机文化”活动等均与治理电信增值业务市场环境密切相关,随着“阳光绿色网络工程”的推进,以上各项工作也全面有序展开。
Amony his films,he starred as a lot of personalities from city slicker to count,vagabond,banker,murderer and adventruer-these roles are branded on the menory of his audience.Poor people who were abandoned by society looked onward and sought bravely for ha 他饰演过的人物中,从都市中的老油条到伯爵先生,从市井小人到银行家,从杀人凶手到冒险家,深深的烙印在观众的记忆中,影片中的他,有时贫穷但勇敢地追求幸福,有时富有却百无聊赖,处于社会的最代层却执著地向往光明和爱情,被社会所抛弃时时刻开爱著他人,他所演饰的人物,亲切而真实,在轻松,幽默中展示出人生的光辉。
Amorphous diamond films deposited on n-type Si (100) and samarium-on-silicon (Sm-on-Si) substrates are fabricated by a cathodic arc process. 因非晶钻石具有负的电子亲和力,故可用来研究其场发射的特性。
Amorphous materials have disordered atomic structure as compared to crystalline materials: that is, they have only short-range order rather than the long-range periodicity of crystals. 与晶体材料相比,非结晶体材料使原子结构发生无序变化,即:它们只有晶体的短程序列特征,而没有晶体结构的长期周期性特征。
Amortisation can also refer to the reduction of debt, either through periodic payments of principal and interest, or through use of a sinking fund. 摊销也可指通过分期还本付息或使用偿债基金减少债务。
Amortisation: The practice of reducing the value of assets to reflect their reduced worth over time. 摊销:减少资产的价值以反映出资产随时间逐步贬值的做法。
Amortising an asset effectively transfers its value, or the part that is being written off, from the balance sheet to the profit and loss account, where it reduces taxable income. 摊销资产有效地把资产价值或正被冲销的那部分价值从资产负债表上转移到损益表上从而减少了应纳税收入。
Amortize bond discount and premium by the effective-interest method. 用实际利率法摊销债券的折价和溢价。
Amos Alonzo Stagg played and coached football for 71 years. 爱默斯?阿隆佐?史塔哥担任足球员与足球教练长达71年之久。

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