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Tropical Storm Alberto made landfall today southeast of Tallahassee, Florida. After two days of rain, many Florida's streets are flooded and some residences are without power.

Tropical Brazil is the country most struck by lightning in the world and it suffers the highest death toll and serious economic damage from electric thunderstorms, new research showed on Tuesday. 据11月5日发表的一份研究报告称,位于热带的巴西是世界上遭最多雷电袭击的国家,受雷电袭击而死的人数也居世界首位。
Tropical Rain Forest, Elephant Forest. 还有热带雨林、象馆。
Tropical Rainforest also shows the adventures of researchers challenged to understand these forests. 同时,学者亦探讨雨林快速消失的原因。
Tropical Singapore has been dubbed the “air-conditioned nation”. 处于热带的新加坡被冠以“空调之国”的称号。
Tropical Storm Alberto is the first named storm of the hurricane season. “阿尔伯特”是今年飓风季节第一个被命名的热带风暴。
Tropical Storm Alberto made landfall today southeast of Tallahassee, Florida. After two days of rain, many Florida's streets are flooded and some residences are without power. 热带风暴阿尔伯特今天在佛罗里达州首府塔拉哈西登陆。两日的大雨导致佛罗里达州许多街道被淹,部分居民家中停电。
Tropical Storm Ernesto is getting stronger. 热带风暴欧内斯特越来越强烈。
Tropical and subtropical forests include tropical rainforests, tropical and subtropical moist forests, tropical and subtropical dry forests, and tropical and subtropical coniferous forests. 热带和亚热带林包括热带雨林,热带和亚热带潮湿林,热带和亚热带干燥林,热带和亚热带松树林。
Tropical depression Ernesto continues to weaken but it's still a threat. 热带低压埃内斯托风力继续减弱,但仍构成威胁。
Tropical island in amazing colors glorified by deep blue seawater at dawn. 黎明时分,在碧蓝的海水衬托下非洲热带小岛显得如此迷人。
Tropical paradise really does exist, and it's here in the sun-drenched Hawaiian islands. 世上真有热带天堂,就在这些沐浴着阳光的夏威夷群岛上。

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