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You are just fine the way you are.

You are invited to request and receive our bilingualNatural Beauty Model Information Form, by E mail. 我们需要有具有不同经验,不同肤色,不同年龄,不同身材及性别的模特。
You are invited to the National Day party at the venue of HKFYG on Saturday, 29th September 2007, from 6:00pm to 11:00pm. BBQ Food, Fruit and Drinks are provided. 晚会定于本年九月廿九日(星期六)晚上六时至十一时于本会隔邻青协场地举行,届时将有烧烤食品及饮品提供。
You are invited to view our autumn collection. 您被邀请参观我们的秋季时装展览。
You are just being polite. 你真会说话.
You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily. 你继续这样大量吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。
You are just fine the way you are. 你现在这样子就挺好的。
You are just in time. 你来得正是时候。
You are just inviting trouble if you do that. 你那么做就是在自找麻烦。
You are just saying that. 你只是说说而已。
You are just the person I want to see. 你正是我要见的人。
You are just the right girl for me. 你就是我要找的女孩。

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