This information is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy any securities.
该信息并非任何有价证券之出售要约或购买要约邀请。 |
This information is rightfully yours, too.
你们也有权使用这些数据。 |
This information is useful in design of the ventilation systems.
此讯息对设计通风系统非常有用。 |
This information might help you decide which room you can afford, when you can afford it, and whether or not to seal that room during the holidays.
这份信息有可能帮助你考虑能够租哪种房间,什么时候可以换到又核算又好的房间,还有到底要不要封房。 |
This information puts a whole new complexion on the situation.
这消息给了形势新的风貌。 |
This information revealed the circumstantial evidences in Mu Dan's some works and correspondences.
在穆旦的一些作品和书信中,透出了这方面的信息。 |
This information shall be announced to the competitors during the technical briefing in the isolation zone, and the actual hold and the quickdraw shall be clearly marked, preferably with a blue cross, and pointed out during the route observation.
此一规定须于隔离区内的技术简报中宣布,且这个岩点与快扣应清楚标示(最好是以蓝色的十字记号标记),并在路线观察时指明。 |
This information was promptly forwarded to the UN Security Council.
上述消息随即通报给了联合国安理会。 |
This information was released publicly by the Committee Opposed to Psychiatric Abuse of Prisoners.
这个信息由反对精神虐待囚犯的委员会公开发表出来。 |
This information will be shared with universities.
将把这信息与大学分享。 |
This information will come out.
这个消息将会传出去。 |