Just before Ms Rice's visit to Beijing, a senior Chinese envoy, Tang Jiaxuan, went to Pyongyang to meet him. |
中文意思: 就在莱斯访华前夕,中国高级外交官员唐家璇前往平壤会晤金正日。 |
Just because we understand or have knowledge about an issue we must be careful because this can puff us up, or make us proud.
正因为我们了解并掌握某一事物的知识,我们更要警醒这知识很可能会叫我们自高自大。 |
Just because you argued with your supervisor, you didn't have to go off the deep end and resign, did you?
只因?你和督察争论,所以你用不著失去理智且辞职,是吗? |
Just because you can drive on snow and ice does not mean we can. Stay home the two days of the year it snows.
你能在雪地中开车不代表我们就能.一年中唯一下雪的二天你就待在家里休息吧.(南方很少下雪,一年最多下个二三次,但几乎每次一下雪就放假一天. |
Just because. How's the baby?
没有原因。孩子好吗? |
Just before I came to the States, I, together with my sister, went to Guangzhou (Canton) for buying textbooks and travel.
跑来美国的前夕,我和妹妹一起到广州,一方面是为了到广州书城购买课内用书,另一方面也是为了旅游。 |
Just before Ms Rice's visit to Beijing, a senior Chinese envoy, Tang Jiaxuan, went to Pyongyang to meet him.
就在莱斯访华前夕,中国高级外交官员唐家璇前往平壤会晤金正日。 |
Just before arriving at today's hotel, we stop at a cocktail bar on the beach.
在抵达今天的终点前,我们在一处海滨的咖啡馆休息。 |
Just before dawn on February 24, the whole horizon suddenly began flashing.
2月24日黎明前,整个地平线开始闪闪发光。 |
Just before flowing over the ledge, the American stream is only about one meter deep, while the Canadian stream is about six meters deep and carries some 95 percent of the Niagara River's water.
在流经断崖之前的水域,美国一侧的河水只有一米深,而加拿大一侧的河水有6米之深,所以说尼亚加拉河95%的水量由此通过。 |
Just before he died, Shen 2 crawled under the bed. He got down on all fours and growled and barked like a dog until he died.
在他死前,沈就一直在床下爬。一直到死,他都四肢着地,像狗那样咆哮。 |
Just before he slipped into coma, TM suddenly asked me, Where is my Vajrasattva?
就在陷入昏迷之前,TM突然问我:「我的金刚萨埵在那里?」 |