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“The inevitable deflation ahead will result in severe losses to holders of savings and life insurance.

“The hard part is not deciding what features to add, it's deciding what to leave out. 最难的部分不是决策应该增加什么功能,而是弄清楚,什么是不该加的不该留着的。
“The heretics were persecuted . . . because their beliefs threatened the vested interest of that day” (James Harvey Robinson). “异教徒受到迫害…因为他们的信仰威胁到了当时既定的利益”(詹姆斯·哈维·罗伯逊)。
“The idea is inconsistent with our constitutional theory and has been stubbornly opposed . . . since the early days of the Republic” (E.B. White). “这种想法与咱们的宪法理论不符合,一直受到固执抵抗…自从共和国成立早期就开端了。”(E.B.怀特)。
“The idea is to bring the oenologist to the table so that each wine can explain itself in the first person,” said Daniele Barontini, whose Tuscan company Modulgraf is putting the final touches on the product to be launched in November. 「这构想是把酿酒专家带到桌边,让每种酒能以第一人称方式自我说明,」丹尼尔.巴隆提尼说,他位于托斯卡尼的默道尔格拉夫公司正在为将于11月推出的产品做最后加强。
“The increase in risk did appear to be due to the increase in red meat intake,” Tseng said in a telephone interview. “患病机率的增加是因为红色肉类的食入量增加。”陈在电话采访中说。
“The inevitable deflation ahead will result in severe losses to holders of savings and life insurance. 「未来无可避免的通缩最后令存款及人寿保险的持有人将有严重的损失。
“The inferior creatures groan under your cruelties. 「低等的生灵在你残酷的行为下呻吟着。
“The language of eternal exhaustion. “是永恒的疲惫。”
“The language of eternal question. “永恒的迷语。”
“The language of eternal silence . “永恒的缄默。”
“The last one was about his future, and the conversation was about the qualities he has, no doubts, the ambition he has because he's not one of the players who enjoy not to be a first choice, and the third point of the conversation was something that we b 我们最后一次谈话是关于他的前途,还聊到他本人的水平,毋庸质疑,还有他的雄心,因为他不是那种乐意无法得到主力位置的球员,谈话的第三点是我们意见一致的部分,即马克莱莱目前是无法撼动的。

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