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The narrator's imagination strays between the present and the past, realities and fictions.

The mycoflora of rice seed from Hebei were analysed using blotter method and seed washing method. A total of species, belong to genera, were found. 本文报道了用吸水纸培养法和洗涤检验法自河北省水稻种子上检查到的种传真菌,共计 属, 种。
The mycological clearance rate was tinea corporis 9 % tinea cruris 9 % tinea manus 00 %, tinea pedis 8 %, pityriasis versicolor 90 %, the total mycological clearance rate was 9 %. 真菌清除率 :体癣 9 % ,股癣 9% ,手癣 0 0 % ,足癣 8 % ,花斑癣 90 % ,总清除率为 9%。
The mycose concentration in diapause and non-diapause pupae were determined. 测定了滞育蛹和非滞育蛹不同时期海藻糖浓度;
The myomere was in order. The struct ure of bright-dark belt,z-line and H-belt was clear. 肌原纤维排列整齐、紧密 ,肌节整齐 ,明暗带及Z膜、H带结构清晰。
The narrator observesthe Castle with the help of the main character—K’s angle of view,we can only see what K has seen,but K will never enter the castle,so the reader will never disclose the secret of the castle. 叙事者借助主人公K的眼光观察城堡,K能看到的我们才能看到,K永远进不了城堡,读者就永远不会知道城堡的秘密。
The narrator's imagination strays between the present and the past, realities and fictions. 叙述者穿行于历史与现实之中,驰骋于真实与虚构之间。
The nation open policy of .G frequency used access net, invite public bidding work is processing stepwise for working frequency, soever conventional telecom company, or jumped-up company, all active be concerned with tender for frequency. 国家明确了开放 .GHz用于接入手段的政策,运营频率招标工作正在逐步开展中,无论是传统的基础电信运营商,还是新兴的增值业务运营商,都积极参与国家的频点应标工作。
The natural course of gastro-oesophageal reflux 胃食管反流的自然病程
The natural ferromagnetic resonance was observed in ~7GHz in Fe-rich microwire samples,but was not observed Co-rich microwire samples. This result of resonance frequency is in agreement with the value calculated by Kittel model. Fe基样品磁导率在. GHz具有自然共振峰,Co基样品在所测频率范围没有共振峰,此测量结果和根据理论计算的自然铁磁共振频率基本一致。
The natural vitamin E was extracted by simple distil lation. 对经酯化、脱甾醇处理后的油脂脱臭物采用简单蒸馏方法提取维生素E。
The necessity of including collocations in vocabulary teaching is stressed and widely acknowledged today (Channell 98, Rudzka et al.98, Gairns and Redman. 98, Kennedy 990, Cowie 99; Bahns 997; Granger 998). 词语搭配纳入词汇教学,得到了广泛的认可(Channell 98, Rudzka et al. 98, Gairns and Redman. 98, Kennedy 990, Cowie 99; Bahns 997; Granger 998)。

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