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Abundant eidence suggests that a unifying principle goerning the molecular pathology of cancer is the co-dependent aberrant regulation of core machinery driing proliferation and suppressing apoptosis.

Abundance One of the most common human fears is scarcity. 知足常乐贫穷是人类最普遍的恐惧之一。
Abundance doesn't mean redundance. The hound found a profound book on the roundabout. 充裕并不意味多余.猎犬在旋转木马上找到一本深奥的书.
Abundant agricultural byproducts resource and human resources , and wide consumption space, containing the enormous and captivating potentiality to be exploited and business opportunity of the market, Linquan becomes the focus that numerous investors pay 丰富的农副产品资源和人力资源,以及广阔的消费空间,蕴藏着巨大而诱人的开发潜力和市场商机,临泉越来越成为众多投资者关注的热点。
Abundant and various reefs with conspicuous physical properties and high reserves have widely developed in western Qaidam basin. 摘要柴西地区发育了储集物性极好、分布较为广泛、储量较高的生物礁储层。
Abundant descendants are significant to the triumphant merchants who were only attendants when they were indignant infants. 大量的后代对于那些在当愤怒婴儿时还是服务员的成功商人而言是非常重要。
Abundant eidence suggests that a unifying principle goerning the molecular pathology of cancer is the co-dependent aberrant regulation of core machinery driing proliferation and suppressing apoptosis. 大量证据表明癌症一种统一原则下的分子病理是驱使增生和抑制凋亡共同依赖的紊乱调节之核心机制。
Abundant lipid content of fasciculata cells is responsible for yellow color of cortex grossly. 富含液体的束状细胞使松散的皮质看起来呈黄色。
Abundant vitaminA and ω-3,ω-6 fatty acids can luster dogs hair and eyes. 富含维他命A和ω-3、ω-6脂肪酸,使皮毛健康亮泽,眼睛明亮。
Abuse allegations are generally referred to the CIA inspector generals office, which investigates from within. 施虐的辩解涉及中情局检查部门,而中情局是负责调查的机构。
Abuse allegedly included beatings, slashing with a knife, and scalding with hot water. 据指称,虐待包括殴打、用刀割伤,用热水烫伤。
Abuse of responsibilities specified in a trust agreement. 违反信托协议里的责任。

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