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It is the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom that desires to write to you today.

It is the Byzantine Christian architectures which led the western ancient architectures, for they had same spirit center spaces in their architectures. 主导西方传统建筑的是拜占庭基督教建筑,因其精神内核是建筑成为主流的主因。
It is the Chinese government's unswerving and consistent position to enable the (Korean) Peninsula to go nuclear-free and oppose nuclear proliferation. 实现半岛无核化,反对核扩散,是中国政府坚定不移的一贯立场。
It is the Chinese peoples solemn promise to the world never to seek hegemony. 永远不称霸,这是中国人民对世界的庄严承诺。
It is the Chinese-foreign joint venture of the main fact that Gaozhou county good foreign leather and fur products Co., Ltd. produce the leather glove, This company at former city of Gaozhou county good foreigns, On going into operation formally will it b 高州嘉洋皮革制品有限公司是生产皮手套为主的中外合资企业,该公司由原高州市嘉洋皮件厂和香港商人黄和生先生共同投资140万美元兴办,于二00一年六月三十日正式投产,所生产的手套全部销往欧、美等十多个国家,现有五个车间和二个分厂,厂房占地6000多平方米,厂房建筑面积10000多平方米,高速平缝电车780台,总资产2950万元,固定资产875万元,员工1200多人,年产值九千多万元,出口创汇1000多万美元。
It is the Common Law that is most represented within Our Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Our Bill of Rights. 我们的《宪法》,我们的《独立宣言》,我们的《人权法案》,最突出体现出来的就是普通法。
It is the Dolphin and Whale Kingdom that desires to write to you today. 今天是海豚与鲸鱼渴望给你们写点儿什么。
It is the ID card you will never lose or forget to carry with you unless your teeth fall out. 有这样一种身份证——除非你牙齿脱落——否则你决不会忘记携带或者遗失。
It is the Mexican records my father plays on Sunday mornings when he is shaving, songs like sobbing. 它是每到星期天早晨,爸爸刮胡子时播放的墨西哥唱片,呜咽似的歌。
It is the Primal Essence of all creation. 它是全部创造的最初的本质。
It is the RO's job to produce the SIs and the judge's job to interpret them. 总裁判长的任务是书写航行细则,仲裁的任务是对它们进行解释。
It is the Smarta view that dominates the view of Hinduism in the West. 斯瓦米对印度教的观点在西方占优势。

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