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Manipulate the less fortunate and the stupid.

Manifester Level: 7th; Prerequisites: Craft Psionic Arms and Armor, concussion; Market Price: +2 bonus. 显能者等级:7;先决条件:“制造灵能武器及防具”、“冲击波”;交易价格:+2加值。
Manifesting or feeling contempt; scornful. 鄙视的表示轻蔑的或感觉不屑的;鄙视的
Manifold shall have safety pressure relieve valve, pressure regulators, and pressure gauges indicating inlet and outlet pressure, bleed valve (vent valve) and pigtail for cylinder connections. 气体管路需要有安全压力释放阀门、压力调节阀门、压力表来指示气体压力。
Manila Shopping Area &Tagaytay To horse!, Philippines! 马尼拉购物商区&大雅台游湖骑马,菲律宾!
Manila's sexy Kink Cakes bakery heating up for a funny Valentine's Day. 马尼拉的有一个性感的变态蛋糕面包店,出售的好笑的情人蛋糕。
Manipulate the less fortunate and the stupid. 操纵那些不幸的和愚蠢的人。
Manipulation of magic grants her a shield of mana to absorb physical impact. 她精通魔法,因此有能力创造出一个魔法盾牌来抵挡敌人的攻击。
Manipulation that any metal into the CMP battery connection or the power supply fan-out, and cause short-circuit, at this time, the battery can protect it automatically quickly, the condition of short-circuit will vanish, and the battery get right automat 任何金属对CMP电池接口或电源输出端操作短路时,电池都会自动快捷的保护起来,短路状态消失,电池自动恢复正常工作不锁死,即保证笔记本电脑的100%安全.
Manitoba became a province in 1870, British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873, Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905. 1870年马尼托巴成为一个省,1871年英属哥伦比亚加入,1873年爱德华太子岛加入,1905年艾伯塔和萨斯喀彻温加入。
Mankanga Ismail, who planted hybrid trees about six years ago. 当地的每棵树能产5-6捆小果肉果实。
Mankind appropriates about a quarter of what is known as the net primary production of the Earth (this is the plant tissue created by photosynthesis)—a lot, but hardly near the point of exhaustion. 人类消耗了1/4的被称作地球主要净产出的产品(由光和作用产生的植物组织),虽然很多,但离耗尽还远得很。

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