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It was clear from the communique that no agreement was likely to emerge from the week-long talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries.

It was certainly less than friendly at Upton Park, with several scuffles between Giuly, Rodrigo Taddei, Lee Bowyer and Craig Bellamy. 可以确定的是在厄普顿公园,由于久利,塔代伊,鲍耶和贝拉米之间的冲突,比赛已经不是友谊赛的性质了。
It was certainly the best way imaginable to consign a team on a 16-year losing streak to yet another defeat. 这无疑是蓝军为一支16年来没有赢得比赛胜利的球队再送上一场失利的最好方式。
It was chosen the most popular magazine of the year. 它被评为年度最受欢迎的杂志。
It was christmas eve,so piglet and pooh were decorating the Chritmas tree with baubles and tinsel That looks pretty ,'smiled Piglet when they'd finished. 圣诞节前夕,维尼和小猪忙着装饰圣诞树,亮闪闪的彩带把圣诞树装扮得光彩夺目!看着装饰好的圣诞树,小猪情不自禁地笑了。他赞叹道:“真漂亮!”
It was cleanly typed, single-spaced, and to the point. 那封信打字工整清晰,行间留一行距离,切中要点。
It was clear from the communique that no agreement was likely to emerge from the week-long talks between the foreign ministers of the two countries. 从公报上不难看出,两国的外交部长要在一周的会谈中达成协议是不可能的。
It was clear that as far as he was concerned, any man who could look at Harry and say excellentwas a man with whom he could never see eye to eye. 显然对他来说,任何一个能够看着哈利说“太好了”的人,都永远不可能与他达成共识。
It was clear that my remarks nettled her. 显然,我的言语激怒了她。
It was clear that they had no desire for peace. 很清楚他们没有渴望和平的愿望。
It was clear that we needed to survey larger volumes to find out. 很显然,唯有进一步搜寻更大的区域才能回答这个问题。
It was clear to everyone that he was unwilling to let the newcomer share his office. 每个人都很清楚,他不愿意让那个新来的人与他合用他的办公室。

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