Opinion polls show declining American public support for the president's Iraq policy.
民调显示美国公众对布什总统的伊拉克政策的支持不断下降。 |
Opinion polls suggest Democrats might be in a position to retake control of one or both chambers of Congress in the November elections. Both have been controlled by Republicans since 1994.
民意测验显示民主党可能会在11月国会选举中重新控制一个议院甚至两个。两个议院自19994年就被共和党控制。 |
Opinion polls suggest slightly more than half of Singapore's 4m people oppose casino gambling, which has been promoted by Lee Hsien Loong, the prime minister.
民意调查显示,新加坡400万人中,略超过半数的人反对赌场赌博,但赌场赌博得到了新加坡总理李显龙的支持。 |
Opinion polls underplay Mr Le Pen's support; almost half of respondents say they are undecided.
民意测验不能充分说明勒庞的支持度;几乎一半的受调查者声称他们尚未决定。 |
Opinion studies suggest that the Democracy(Democrats) may be in a position to end Republic(Republican) control of one or both houses of conquers(Congress).
观察研究认为民主党将结束共和党对国会中一个或两个议会的控制。 |
Opinions as to what should be reconstructed on the site are largely divided.
关于在旧址上应重建什么,出现了重大的意见分歧。 |
Opinions concerning strict parental discipline vary widely .
针对严厉的家教的看法大相径庭。 |
Opinions differ from each other.
不同的人更是见仁见智。 |
Opinions from different professionalism revealed similar but slightly different results.
本文并以6个向度与国立台湾大学职能治疗学系的课程作一比较。 |
Opinions on human nature, good or evil, differed from person to person in the past.
过去,人的性“善”、性“恶”之辩都是各家之言。 |
Opinions on medium-term FDI prospects are equally optimistic.
对外国直接投资的中期展望的观点同样乐观。 |