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A slipper with a soft sole resembling this boot.

A slight, metallic sound, as of coins rattling in a pocket. 叮铛声一种象口袋中硬币碰撞发出轻微的金属声
A slightly mushy photograph can be easier to understand. 稍有模糊的照片更容易看懂。
A slightly ribbed, woven fabric of silk, cotton, or rayon. 罗缎一种半透明紧密织物,由丝、棉或人造丝织成
A slim, pointed piece of metal hammered into material as a fastener. 钉子,图钉一细的尖头金属,用于楔入某物,如图钉
A slip of the tongue made me say Robert instead of Richard. 我说走了嘴把理查德说成了罗伯特.
A slipper with a soft sole resembling this boot. 爱斯基摩式靴类似这种靴子的一种有软后跟的拖鞋
A slit-like endometrial cavity is surrounded by myometrium at the mid-right. 图中偏右示裂缝状的子宫内膜腔,由子宫肌层包绕。
A sliver of a man could be seen looking out at them, a man with long black hair parted in curtains around a sallow face and black eyes. 一个瘦长的男人盯着她们俩,他有一头长长的黑发,绕在一张长着黑色眼睛的蜡黄色脸上。
A sliver of citrus peel twisted over or dropped into a beverage for flavoring. 橘子皮放入或加入饮料中调味的一小块橘子皮
A slogan is over the blackboard. 一条标语在黑板正上方。
A slot does not know if it has any signals connected to it. 插槽不知道是否有信号连接到它。

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