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[bbe] Let those who go after my soul for its destruction have shame and trouble together; let them be turned back and made foolish who take pleasure in my trouble.

[bbe] Let their chains be broken, and their cords taken from off us. 说,我们要挣开他们的捆绑,脱去他们的绳索。
[bbe] Let them be covered together in the dust; let their faces be dark in the secret place of the underworld. 将他们一同隐藏在尘土中,把他们的脸蒙蔽在隐密处。
[bbe] Let them be: they are blind guides. And if a blind man is guiding a blind man, the two will go falling into a hole together. 任凭他们罢.他们是瞎眼领路的.若是瞎子领瞎子、两个人都要掉在坑里。
[bbe] Let this be a Sabbath of special rest to you, and keep yourselves from all pleasure; on the ninth day of the month at nightfall from evening to evening, let this Sabbath be kept. 你们要守这日为圣安息日、并要刻苦己心.从这月初九日晚上、到次日晚上、要守为安息日。
[bbe] Let this fiftieth year be the Jubilee: no seed may be planted, and that which comes to growth of itself may not be cut, and the grapes may not be taken from the uncared-for vines. 第五十年要作为你们的禧年.这年不可耕种、地中自长的、不可收割.没有修理的葡萄树、也不可摘取葡萄。
[bbe] Let those who go after my soul for its destruction have shame and trouble together; let them be turned back and made foolish who take pleasure in my trouble. 愿那些寻找我,要灭我命的,一同抱愧蒙羞。愿那些喜悦我受害的,退后受辱。
[bbe] Let your blessing, O Lord, be on his substance, may the work of his hands be pleasing to you: may those who take up arms against him and all who have hate for him, be wounded through the heart, never to be lifted up again. 求耶和华降福在他的财物上、悦纳他手里所办的事.那些起来攻击他和恨恶他的人、愿你刺透他们的腰、使他们不得再起来。
[bbe] Let your brothers, the family of Levi, come near with you, so that they may be joined with you and be your servants: but you and your sons with you are to go in before the ark of witness. 你要带你弟兄利未人、就是你祖宗支派的人前来、使他们与你联合服事你、只是你和你的儿子、要一同在法柜的帐幕前供职。
[bbe] Let your curse come on them; let the heat of your wrath overtake them. 求你将你的恼恨,倒在他们身上,叫你的烈怒追上他们。
[bbe] Let your designs be formed, and they will come to nothing; give your orders, and they will not be effected: for God is with us. 任凭你们同谋,终归无有。任凭你们言定,终不成立。因为神与我们同在。
[bbe] Let your ears be open to my voice; give attention to what I say. 你们当侧耳听我的声音,留心听我的言语。

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