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A storage-specific logical model and the mapping between it and the conceptual model are captured in an external specification that can change as needed without changing the application code.

A stone, such as limestone, that is soft enough to be cut easily without shattering or splitting. 乱石一种质地很软以致于不须砸或劈就能被轻易截断的石头,如石灰石
A stop loss order 3¢ under a Trend Line Bottom or over a Trend Line top will be caught less frequently than a 1 or 2¢ stop loss orders. 止损在在趋势线底部下或趋势线顶上3美分处的被套机会将少于在1或者2美分处。
A storage cell in some amorphous memory devices. 某些非晶体存储器中的一个存储单元。
A storage cell; an element of data storage that can hold one bit. 一个存储单元;保存一位二进制数的数据存储单元。
A storage structure of1 to32 disk blocks that is used to store and transfer units of data in files with a relative or indexed file organization. Unlike a block, a bucket can contain only entire records. 由1至32磁盘信息块构成的一种存储结构。结合相对或索引文件组织,用于文件中数据单元的存储和传送。与信息块不同的是,存储桶只能包含整记录。
A storage-specific logical model and the mapping between it and the conceptual model are captured in an external specification that can change as needed without changing the application code. 一个与特定储存系统相关的逻辑模型与概念模型之间的映射可以由外部进行说明,并可以按需要进行更改而不影响应用程序代码。
A store employee who handles cash transactions with customers. 店员处理与顾客现金交易的商店雇员.
A store having the merit of being open late. 这个商店的优点是很晚才打烊
A store that sells wives has just opened in Dallas, TX, where a man may go to choose a wife from among many women. 在得克撒斯州的达拉斯城,新近开张了一家商场,在这里,一个男人可以从众多的女子中挑选一位购买作为自己的妻子。
A stored power can be used only once, “flushing” the stone. 每道所储异能只能被用一次,之后便“清洗”掉了。
A storm accompanied by thunder. 暴风雨夹着雷声。

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