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Presentment for acceptanceis the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the drawee and demands a promise of payment from the drawee.

Precise design,excellent service,to be the best is always our staffs' purpose.After many years hard work,we have fulfilled various project designs more than 10 million square meters,gained 26 architectural design prizes at province or Ministry level,42 ar 历年来,单位员工始终以“精心设计、优质服务、争创一流”为工作宗旨,经过多年的不懈努力,完成各类建筑设计约1000多万平方米,先后获得省(部)级优秀建筑设计奖26项、市(地)级优秀建筑设计奖42项,并获省科技进步三等奖、浙江省第一批工程设计计算机应用先进单位、浙江省墙体改革工程等荣誉。
Premeditation(Subtlety Talent) has had its range increased to 30 yards. 「预谋」(敏锐系的天赋技能)的使用距离增加到30码。
Prenatal care and prenatal nutrition are just incredibly important, even more so than we already knew,Case said in an interview. 凯丝在一次采访中说:“产前护理和产前营养相当重要,甚至比我们想象的还要重要。”
Prentice rangers use merchant arrows, expert rangers use custom ones, master rangers use homemade ones. 「学徒游侠用现成箭,专家游侠用订制箭,宗师游侠用自制箭。」
Prepare war against her; Arise, and let us attack at noon. Woe to us, for the day declines, For the shadows of the evening lengthen! 耶6:4你们要准备攻击他、起来罢、我们可以趁午时上去。哀哉、日已渐斜、晚影拖长了。
Presentment for acceptanceis the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the drawee and demands a promise of payment from the drawee. 提示承兑是指持票人向付款人出示汇票,并要求付款人承诺付款的行为。
President Sarkozy (then) stepped onto our boat. He started talking very agitatedly in French. “萨科奇总统跳上了我们的船。他非常激动,说了一堆法语。”
Presumably, the know-how originally developed by skilled artisans for bead production was successfully transferred to drilling teeth in a form of proto-dentistry,said Macchiarelli. 科研小组说,在这一地区在牙齿上钻孔这种做法曾一直延续了1500年之久。
Pretty BoyGroup Shinhwa, Why did they bring out a 7th Album? 美男组合神话,为什么发行了第七张专辑?
Previous studies have suggested the change in finger length was due to changes in testosterone levels in the womb, he said. 他说:此前的一些研究表明女性手指长度的不同主要是因为子宫中睾丸激素的水平变化。
Previously, most experts had looked at ocean absorption of carbon dioxide as a good thing - because in releasing CO2 into the atmosphere we warm the planet; and when CO2 is absorbed by the ocean, it reduces the amount of greenhouse warming. “以前,大多数专家都将海洋吸收二氧化碳看作一件好事——因为将二氧化碳释放到大气中会使大气变暖,然而当二氧化碳被海洋吸收后,温室效应就会降低。”

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