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They are: . Idiognathodus shanxiensis-Neognathodus bassleri, and .Neognathodus roundyi-Streptognathodus parvus in ascending order.
Neognathodus roundyi-Streptognathodus parvus.

They anastomosed mutually to form the second and third artery arches in the super - median / and low - median / of the matrix unguis. 甲床内纵行小动脉在甲床的上中/ 及中下/ 交界处相互吻合,分别形成甲床第二、三级动脉弓。
They are ,8dimethyllnonanol, ,9dimethyldecanol, ,9dimethylcyclopropyldecanol, and ,9dimethyl,decanediol, and they were evaluated as penetration enhancer toward Flourouracil. 增加个碳原子的第三醇:,9-二甲基--环丙基--癸醇; 增加个碳原子同时引入一个羟基的,9-二甲基-,-癸二醇。
They are Acaulospora denticulata Sieverding & Toro, Acaulospora elegans Trappe & Gerdemann, Acaulospora laevis Gerdemann & Trappe, Gigaspora gigantea (Nicol. & Gerd.) 丽孢无梗囊霉Acaulospora elegans Trappe & Gerdemann: .光壁无梗囊霉Acaulospora laevis Gerdeman D & Trappe:.巨大巨孢囊霉Gigaspora gigantea(Nicol.& Gerd.)
They are positioned at °E, 0 °E, 87.°E and 0.°E longitudeover the equator. 它们分别定点在°E,0 °E,87.°E,0.°E赤道上空。
They are the greatest learned men and pioneers at the highest point of the modern spirit of China in the world. 纯粹文人或学者的名号也不足以称言王国维、鲁迅,他们是抵达了现代中国精神最高点的开创性的不世大儒。
They are: . Idiognathodus shanxiensis-Neognathodus bassleri, and .Neognathodus roundyi-Streptognathodus parvus in ascending order. Neognathodus roundyi-Streptognathodus parvus.
They are: reference, cliche, quotation and self-quotation, conventionalism, proverb and idiom; 它们分别是:参照、陈词滥调、引用和自我引用、套语、习语和成语;
They can be expressed as two parabolas and four empiric V_p-V_s formulas. 它们可以拟合表达成两条抛物线,四个V_p、V_s互推公式。
They can be localized by the central fissure, vertical sulci and postcentralis, as for anterior central convolution, ascending parietal gyri, lobuli paracentralis. 中央前回、中央后回,虽然髓突数目存在明显的侧别差异,但结合中央沟及中央前、后沟,其定位同样易于确定和实际应用。
They can both advance the thymus and lienal index of the tumor-bearing mice at the same time. 同时能提高荷瘤小鼠的胸腺指数和脾指数。
They created personal niggard characters by the similar means,which gave us rich artistic enjoyment and permanent rational thought. 运用相似的技巧 ,塑造了各自心目中的吝啬鬼形象 ,给人们带来丰富的艺术享受 ,也带来了永远的理性思考。

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