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John obeyed his father's instructions to the letter.

John made mincemeat of all her arguments, and said that he had never heard anything so puerile before. 约翰把她的论点驳得体无完肤,并说他从来没有听过这样幼稚可笑的道理。
John managed to carve out a career for himself as an actor, though at first he hardly earned enough to keep body and soul together. 虽然约翰最初挣的钱难以维持生活,但他还是设法使自己成为一名演员而发了迹。
John meditates for twenty minutes before he goes to bed every day. 约翰每天上床睡觉前先打坐二十分钟。
John must refer to cyclopaedia when he writes reports. 约翰必须写报告时,就会查阅百科全书。
John now sees much rejoicing in heaven and the appearance of Christ. 约翰看到许多天上的欢乐和基督的显现。
John obeyed his father's instructions to the letter. 约翰不折不扣地按他父亲的指示行事。
John only pretends to do his share of the work; he's just not playing the game. 约翰只是装成做他那份工作,实际上并不真心好好干。
John passed through a difficult period shortly after his mother's death. 约翰在他母亲刚过世后度过了艰难时期。
John patted me on the shoulder. 约翰拍拍我的肩膀。
John played the man for a sucker. 约翰把那个人当作傻瓜。
John plays back in the team. 约翰在这个队打后卫。

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